Do you people realize what the war on drugs is?

Well I believe that the government def controls and has a big stake in the drug trade. They allow a lot of drugs into the country using government resources. Imean they ultimately control the docks and borders and it would be foolish not to think that they don't have their hands in this.

Especially, like someone else said earlier, in afghanistan, where troops are still occupying the amount of heroin being produced and exported has skyrocketedsince our occupation.
Now is the time for change!

The only way that Obama can truly bring about those lofty and Godly changes that we are emotionally investing in and expecting him to bring if weorganize and mobilize to push the issues that we feel are important to us.

Real Talk....its our time now. This is OUR AMERICA. OUR GENERATION....If we don't fight with the same purpose and passion as those that came before us, wehave no one to blame but ourselves.

We have a sympathetic President and a friendly legislative body in power...we have to put the pressure on them to help us right these wrongs, so our childrencan truly live in a free and equal America and not have to work 3 times as hard for everything like too many of us had to.
Originally Posted by gumbottombandit

i like this thread. NT has grown before my very eyes.

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Now is the time for change!

The only way that Obama can truly bring about those lofty and Godly changes that we are emotionally investing in and expecting him to bring if we organize and mobilize to push the issues that we feel are important to us.

Real Talk....its our time now. This is OUR AMERICA. OUR GENERATION....If we don't fight with the same purpose and passion as those that came before us, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

We have a sympathetic President and a friendly legislative body in power...we have to put the pressure on them to help us right these wrongs, so our children can truly live in a free and equal America and not have to work 3 times as hard for everything like too many of us had to.


Originally Posted by NothingBefore



Legislation on illegal drugs much like alcohol, was racially motivated.
Nobody cared about rampant drug use in black ghettos, it was when white soldiers came back from Vietnam high as can be, and addicted on hard drugs.

Not to mention it gave police an excuse to monitor certain areas legally, and several search and seizure methods which have lead to our current prisonpopulations
Failure of action brings negative change. Are you implying that Obama will be the downfall of America?

Edit: I also just want to say that if you're willing to risk your life, then you might as well do it honorably and enlist in the services. Becausethat's what you're really doing, risking your life to feed your family.
Originally Posted by AirCole2359

Don't quote me on this because I'm not 100% sure but during the Taliban regime didn't opiate production drop off a lot because they made it forbidden but when the U.S. occupied Afghanistan the production when up continuously. Now they produce about 95% of the worlds opiates (like heroine) If you ask me I think the United States had something to do with that. A little bit off the topic but I just thought I should mention.

Yes sir. That is true as well.

Edit: I also just want to say that if you're willing to risk your life, then you might as well do it honorably and enlist in the services. Because that's what you're really doing, risking your life to feed your family.

You don't get it. Enlisting in the military has never been seen as a viable option for young black men trapped in the ghetto.
For starters, a large number of young black teenagers are forced to make money early in their lives to support family, like around 15/16.
That's considered a man where I'm from.

Secondly, which also ties into my first point, these families need infusions of money quick just to survive in America. You got mother's trying to
feed entire families off $60 dollars worth of food stamps for a month.

Everyone understands that selling drugs is a HIGH risk, but also a HIGH "reward" action.

But it's a damn shame when a teens only options to succeed in life are to entertain, sell drugs, or enlist in the army and become America's @##%#.

Furthermore, to piggyback off of what HAZE said, we as Black Americans can't feel as if the "job" is done simply because Obama was elected.
In fact, this is where the hard part begins. Now, we have to unite as a people and get involved in the government affairs that directly affect
our families and our communities. Write Senators, Write letters to public officials, Blog, Work for special interest groups, Demonstrate if need be.

Just look at what the homosexual community has done with the recent Prop 8 legislation. They stopped going to work and took to the streets...HARD. In less thana month, they have gotten the California Supreme Court to agree to review their case. That's making your voice be
heard. That's change we can believe in, regardless of the outcome of the Court's decision.

The black community must unite and put forth similar efforts.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Now is the time for change!

The only way that Obama can truly bring about those lofty and Godly changes that we are emotionally investing in and expecting him to bring if we organize and mobilize to push the issues that we feel are important to us.

Real Talk....its our time now. This is OUR AMERICA. OUR GENERATION....If we don't fight with the same purpose and passion as those that came before us, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

We have a sympathetic President and a friendly legislative body in power...we have to put the pressure on them to help us right these wrongs, so our children can truly live in a free and equal America and not have to work 3 times as hard for everything like too many of us had to.


Originally Posted by NothingBefore



You corny B....trying to get a couple "
"s?...well here you go...

Like for real...what was the point of that. All I ever see you do is be condescending, inflammatory and contrary. Never offer any real statement or educatedopinion.

Homie didn't even respond in proper english orunderstand what I wrote...if he did he would see that we were saying the same thing (I hope...I can'tunderstand exactly what he was trying to say)

I didn't say that change would come from Obama....I said that change would have to come from us. Forcing the hand of the government.
I don't see how enlisting in the army and then getting a free education is looked down upon. The chances to get out of the ghetto are there once you hit18.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I don't see how enlisting in the army and then getting a free education is looked down upon. The chances to get out of the ghetto are there once you hit 18.
cuz not everybody feels the US should be in this war to the degree they are.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I don't see how enlisting in the army and then getting a free education is looked down upon. The chances to get out of the ghetto are there once you hit 18.
cuz not everybody feels the US should be in this war to the degree they are.


Not only that, if you are in the army for money, not the place to be.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I don't see how enlisting in the army and then getting a free education is looked down upon. The chances to get out of the ghetto are there once you hit 18.
Get out of the ghetto and go into other peoples ghetto to take their lives?


There are millions of dollars in unclaimed scholarship money that can help you go to college without enlisting in the military.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I don't see how enlisting in the army and then getting a free education is looked down upon. The chances to get out of the ghetto are there once you hit 18.

You make it seem so easy. I'm not even trying to be disrespectful when I say this, but you don't understand the situation that all too many
black families are faced with here in America.

Enlisting in the army never was and never will be seen as an option for a young black man (15-18 yrs. old). To start with, to be able to enlist
in the army, you have to have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. That's the bare minimum. Right now, the drop out rate for black american
teens is unexplicably high. That's an estimated 40% of black males off top who are disqualified from being able to enlist BEFORE 18 years old.

That leaves 60% of black males left, who do at least get high school diploma's, but of those 60% still in the ghetto, your education is over and
done with at 18. Now it's time to contribute and help out momma who is most likely working 2 jobs to have food in the house and pay for your
7 year old sister's necessities. Enlisting in the Army to get this "free education" is not an option because the money is not there.
When done right or really wrong (depending on how you look at it) a crack dealer can make $22500 in the course of a weekend. Think about that.

You have the Army telling you on one hand that they'll pay $10,152 for you to GO TO COLLEGE for 4 more years of education


You can take the risk of selling drugs to "better" your family and yourself. High risk vs. High reward.

It's easy to see how most feel as if this is their only way out or means to make a decent living.
How many people getting into drug dealing actually make that much money? Looking long term at it, you'll be making more money getting a free education andgoing to college than being in jail when you get picked up for dealing drugs. And every drug dealer slips up and gets caught eventually.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

How many people getting into drug dealing actually make that much money? Looking long term at it, you'll be making more money getting a free education and going to college than being in jail when you get picked up for dealing drugs. And every drug dealer slips up and gets caught eventually.

Long term is not seen as an answer. Money is needed ASAP. There is no long term thinking or goals or 5-10 year type plans.

Hell, most my dudes from home don't even plan on being alive past 25 years old. It's that serious.

The mentality is "Let me make what I can now and whatever happens, happens."

Also, this "free education" you keep mentioning is largely a myth. You'd have to be in the military for 6 years to get the opportunity
to have a "free education" paid for by the military. Talk about being jerked around.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Now is the time for change!

The only way that Obama can truly bring about those lofty and Godly changes that we are emotionally investing in and expecting him to bring if we organize and mobilize to push the issues that we feel are important to us.

Real Talk....its our time now. This is OUR AMERICA. OUR GENERATION....If we don't fight with the same purpose and passion as those that came before us, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

We have a sympathetic President and a friendly legislative body in power...we have to put the pressure on them to help us right these wrongs, so our children can truly live in a free and equal America and not have to work 3 times as hard for everything like too many of us had to.


Originally Posted by NothingBefore



You corny B....trying to get a couple "
"s?...well here you go...

Like for real...what was the point of that. All I ever see you do is be condescending, inflammatory and contrary. Never offer any real statement or educated opinion.

Homie didn't even respond in proper english orunderstand what I wrote...if he did he would see that we were saying the same thing (I hope...I can't understand exactly what he was trying to say)

I didn't say that change would come from Obama....I said that change would have to come from us. Forcing the hand of the government.
Whenever I make comments like the one I did, do I ever do them for laughs? Those pics where just illustrated how I felt. I felt what you weresaying (perhaps some hope was inflating) Maybe we can make a difference. We do have a "friendly legistlative bodyin power" and a "sympathetic president"...oh wait nevermind. "Friendly legistlative body? a sympathetic president? You serious?(why lookthere goes that feeling of hope, all gone, maybe like a bursted bubble).

and if you can, please show me some examples of me being "condescending, inflammatory and contrary" in this thread. It's cool, I'll wait.
I'm not trying to get into a personal back and forth or judge your character fam...I just called it like I see it. But forget about those personalcomments, my bad...I shouldn't have even taken it there.

As for the other part of the post...I'm not exactly sure what you are getting at. You don't think Obama is sympathetic to the issues of minorities inAmerica?
I'm not saying that, but at the end of the day...Obama has to do what they put him office to do.
It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really puthim in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
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