Do you respect players that flop?

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

-Ginobli, if you watch ball, you know nothing more need be said.

Only flopper good in my book...
All you saying you hate floppers are the same dudes sayin what Kidd did to Woodson was smart..
Fisher flops a fair amount but i think he has earned to right to flop (if possible) considering all the charges he has taken. Even still its a cheap move and should have a rule enforced to be stopped
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Originally Posted by CP1708

If you are standing somewhere and get bulled over, that's one thing, but if your intent is to run to a spot and then stand there to get knocked over/flop, I can't stand that. 
Co sign to the fullest. 
Falling down and flailing at the slightest touch is one thing, but getting to the spot first and letting someone run into you is smart defense. Some people have it confused.
Varejao and Fisher @ THE SAME TIME
Dispicable !$%%

Manu Ginobli is the worst.
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Varejao and Fisher @ THE SAME TIME
Dispicable !$%%

Manu Ginobli is the worst.
co-sign to both

i hate floppers but regardless refs are gonna call it...what i cant stand is players who continuously complain about flopping all throughout their career but yet he starts doing it...word to my boy shaq on dwight

You love them when they are on your team (Raja Bell when he was on the Suns and Jared Dudley currently) but HATE them when they play for anybody else. At least I do.
The only thing worse than floppers is players who complain every single time they get touched. Maybe the NBA would be a better league if fouls weren't called
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