Do you smoke....

i indulge myself every now and then with a cigar filled with green plants
but i suggest you dont drink or smoke until your at least 21
What you're really trying to ask is "should I smoke?" "Is that cool, do all you super cool nt guys all do it?"
What you're really trying to ask is "should I smoke?" "Is that cool, do all you super cool nt guys all do it?"
i'll do delivery once in awhile when i'm stressed out, and i have a pretty big cigar humidor that's filled up right now
kush and a movie is one of the main reasons why i still do touch hit the trees..
as for cig.. addiction =/ plus cig+a beer or after a meal is sooo dam good..
Originally Posted by PraVokal

Get out of here...Nobody smokes anymore that was SOOOOO 2009 dude.Step yo game up and get on that heroin...

Originally Posted by black chiney

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I smoke like 2 cigs a day, I dont really like them but after a good full meal im craving a cig for some reason

I buy like a pack a month, I dont think its that bad

oh and well, the holy herb, Ill keep that disclosed

damn yo, a pack will last me a day if i'm lucky

The only time I smoke cigs is when I'm drunk. I do smoke trees though every now and then
Buddah, Camel Crushes, hookahs, black & milds when I don't feel like buying a new pack of squares, and very seldom a cigar. I like to keep smoke aroundme though.
i haven't smoked bud in what seems to be going on 3 months now.. i'm hitting the gym a lot more so i think i might just officially put an end to it fornow. i'm so proud of me (c) jeezy

sidenote: i've never heard this from anyone else but the couple times i experimented with smoking cigs back when i was 12 or 13, my joint got rock hard assoon as i took a hit. like rock hard to the point where i'd have to go lay down for a good hour before it went back to normal. just thought i'd sharethat..
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