Do you still have a home phone?

What's a land line?
It isn't too uncommon in NY to have a land line. During hurricane Sandy, that was the only line working. Even funnier, on the next day there were people who didn't have any cash, then could not get cash, because ATM's were down. Businesses were not accepting cards either. Many didn't know how to use pay phones on the corners in NYC either, not knowing where to put the coins, nor knowing how the buttons worked. That was funny.
I have one. I Ooma that ****. Like $4/mo. Have crap cell reception in my house. Back when I lived in a pre-war apt in Brooklyn I would actually forward my cell to my house phone so that A) it wouldn't use minutes when I got a call, and B) I wouldn't have to contort myself into a pretzel to get reception in the kitchen.
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Still got a land line at work. Clear reception when talking on another land line. Can even hear others in the background
Yea...that’s how I communicate with my biddies 57 n older, wild cougars :evil:

But 4real I don’t eem pick my work landline up, damn sure not worried bout a home joint
I got the long chord and take the call from the kitchen to my bed
i do
during a power outage if u still have a house phone that plugs into the wall
with the long cord
it will still work during a outage

LOL @ "A house phone that plugs into the wall."

What other types of house phones exist?
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