Do you think it's a wrap for Gilbert Arenas?

Mar 13, 2004
He's played a grand total of 18 minutes in the 3 games in the ORL/ATL series...racked up a DNP-CD last night.  This is DEFINITELY not what Otis Smith envisioned when he traded for him mid-season.  It's no secret that Gil has been a bust in his tenure in Orlando.  You'd almost have to think that Rashard Lewis (who has a terrible contract as well...but it's shorter) would have been more of a contributor if he had stuck around.  Gil's personal life is a mess and maybe that's why he's been playing like *!% since he came from DC.  Orlando for the most part is going to be stuck with him until his contract ends in 2013/14.  I can't see another team taking a chance on him unless it's in the absolute last year of his deal.  If there were mulligans in sports, I think Otis Smith would want one and take Shard back.  Do you think it will get better for Gil?  
He's played a grand total of 18 minutes in the 3 games in the ORL/ATL series...racked up a DNP-CD last night.  This is DEFINITELY not what Otis Smith envisioned when he traded for him mid-season.  It's no secret that Gil has been a bust in his tenure in Orlando.  You'd almost have to think that Rashard Lewis (who has a terrible contract as well...but it's shorter) would have been more of a contributor if he had stuck around.  Gil's personal life is a mess and maybe that's why he's been playing like *!% since he came from DC.  Orlando for the most part is going to be stuck with him until his contract ends in 2013/14.  I can't see another team taking a chance on him unless it's in the absolute last year of his deal.  If there were mulligans in sports, I think Otis Smith would want one and take Shard back.  Do you think it will get better for Gil?  
Numerous Arizona people (former coaches, players) have been asked a similar question, and it seems like they all say something to the effect of he has the wrong people around him. Hopefully, being in Orlando is helping him distance himself somewhat from negative forces that will surely make his max contract vanish. All of that said, from watching a few Orlando games, he just doesn't look healthy, so if he doesn't even gain some semblance of explosiveness back then it could very well be a wrap, which would be sad.
Numerous Arizona people (former coaches, players) have been asked a similar question, and it seems like they all say something to the effect of he has the wrong people around him. Hopefully, being in Orlando is helping him distance himself somewhat from negative forces that will surely make his max contract vanish. All of that said, from watching a few Orlando games, he just doesn't look healthy, so if he doesn't even gain some semblance of explosiveness back then it could very well be a wrap, which would be sad.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Numerous Arizona people (former coaches, players) have been asked a similar question, and it seems like they all say something to the effect of he has the wrong people around him. Hopefully, being in Orlando is helping him distance himself somewhat from negative forces that will surely make his max contract vanish. All of that said, from watching a few Orlando games, he just doesn't look healthy, so if he doesn't even gain some semblance of explosiveness back then it could very well be a wrap, which would be sad.
He looks heavy and out of shape....but it's been that way for the whole season.  You'd think that by this point he would have worked himself in better basketball condition, but who knows? 

Last year before everything went down w. the guns, he was putting up pretty good #'s.  He didn't have much explosion....but this year, he's got the explosiveness of Big Z.  No joke.  It's a damn shame....I don't know what's going on with the guy. 
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Numerous Arizona people (former coaches, players) have been asked a similar question, and it seems like they all say something to the effect of he has the wrong people around him. Hopefully, being in Orlando is helping him distance himself somewhat from negative forces that will surely make his max contract vanish. All of that said, from watching a few Orlando games, he just doesn't look healthy, so if he doesn't even gain some semblance of explosiveness back then it could very well be a wrap, which would be sad.
He looks heavy and out of shape....but it's been that way for the whole season.  You'd think that by this point he would have worked himself in better basketball condition, but who knows? 

Last year before everything went down w. the guns, he was putting up pretty good #'s.  He didn't have much explosion....but this year, he's got the explosiveness of Big Z.  No joke.  It's a damn shame....I don't know what's going on with the guy. 
I'm pretty sure I read an interview with Gilbert where he said his knee doesn't hurt him, but he thinks about it when he's playing so he's not driving and attacking at all.

I don't think it's 100% over for him, but he has a lot of things to workout in his personal life and on the court. He needs to get in better shape, he needs to get over his injury and the fear of getting hurt again, and he needs to settle his off the court issues as best as he can.
I'm pretty sure I read an interview with Gilbert where he said his knee doesn't hurt him, but he thinks about it when he's playing so he's not driving and attacking at all.

I don't think it's 100% over for him, but he has a lot of things to workout in his personal life and on the court. He needs to get in better shape, he needs to get over his injury and the fear of getting hurt again, and he needs to settle his off the court issues as best as he can.
He's got the mean shoe game though 
I've heard similar things about the people he has around him as well. He's clearly out of shape physically and mentally. He needs to learn how to use condoms also. I haven't lost faith in him. He's a good dude. He just needs to take off the diapers and make better choices.
I've heard similar things about the people he has around him as well. He's clearly out of shape physically and mentally. He needs to learn how to use condoms also. I haven't lost faith in him. He's a good dude. He just needs to take off the diapers and make better choices.
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

He hasn't been the same since Lebron told him "you going home if you miss this free throw"

Uh, I think the knee injuries had more to do with his decline....
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