Do You Use Profanity?

Yes, because parents & relatives would use those words all the time.

also, doesn't someone have a screen name similar to yours or vice versa
As I got older I removed a lot of it out of my vocabulary.....time and a place though.

Like when I walked in the door to see Ibanez hitting a game winning home run last night....I uttered a few expletives.
I really try not to because I am trying to speak more professionally and grow my vocabulary, but when I'm angry (basically anytime I am driving) I will.
I use it for effect. Sometimes a three or four letter is the only apt word for the job.
Way to often... I blame my uncles who curse in every sentence that comes out of their mouths.

No. Never used it growing up. My parents never used it in our house. I followed by their example. It's funny because people notice it and won't swear as much as they normally would when they're around me and I don't even ask them to do that.

I randomly tried once in middle school and it didn't even sound like something that should come out of me
Not often, but I can't trust anyone who does stuff like "gosh darnit" or makes up words obviously in place of curse words. 
All the time when I'm by myself. For some reason, not so much when I'm around the biddies (or other people in general). :\
hell yea, but I never ever ever ever cuss(ed) around moms ever.
try my best not to in front of my son.
**** happens
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yes. everybody around me did. been cursing since 1st grade. don't plan on stopping because i have a pretty expansive vocabulary and i hate when people say "cursing just shows how limited your vocabulary is." there's a time & place where i don't of course.

in 4th grade some kids told the teacher i made them feel uncomfortable because i cursed all the time...i denied, denied, denied and got back to my table and told my elementary crush "somebody said i ******g curse too much." :lol:
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