Do You Use Profanity?

At will. The **** is wrong with it? As long as you know more than 20 words, go for it. Keeping them out of my vocabulary would only decrease it.
Not often, but I can't trust anyone who does stuff like "gosh darnit" or makes up words obviously in place of curse words. 

... in place of "god"?????????

so "god" isn't a made up word to you?...


Yep, but there are exceptions when I don't, like around kids, my parents
Yeah but to me they're just words. There's no special category of profane words for me, I opened my mind to that when I discovered the homosexual slur word is also know as a cig in England. More times than not I can get my point across or hurt your feelings without using them though.
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I do in the right context. I generally don't curse around kids, at work, family members, or elders.
I do, but like others have said, I don't curse my around my parents nor [seemingly good, well mannered] kids. I also tend not to curse around people I know who don't just out of respect for them. There have been times where I've been around a handful of people who don't, but other people in public are loudly doing it and I could tell it would bother them. It's just a little thing to me, so I can respect that not to do it in front of them.

Those little 7 year olds who think they're the **** like Lil Mouse though, ****'em.
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well, i use the "s" word and "damn" the most. 

the "a" word i dont even consider a cuss word lol

i dont drop the "n" bomb around white folk though.
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