Do you verbally abuse females?

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I dont think yall understand what the word "abuse" means.
exactly.. ill go bad on a beezy if need be, call her whatever she's actin like about 100 times but as far as abuse? nah no abuse. i dont condone stripping women of their self-worth
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

When needed or if I just feel like it but I verbally abuse males too but I don't really make a habit of it.

Is it just me or am I the only black guy who does not comprehend the significance and/or impact of the c-word? It's like as far as I can tell in the black community the word does not carry a stigma or hold much negative value outside of being obscene in it's usage and is rarely used among other words I've noticed which are used in abundance in other communities/groups/circles/crowds.

Nah you not alone bruh I think if I said that to any black girl, she would be more puzzled than angry...
Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

When needed or if I just feel like it but I verbally abuse males too but I don't really make a habit of it.

Is it just me or am I the only black guy who does not comprehend the significance and/or impact of the c-word? It's like as far as I can tell in the black community the word does not carry a stigma or hold much negative value outside of being obscene in it's usage and is rarely used among other words I've noticed which are used in abundance in other communities/groups/circles/crowds.

Nah you not alone bruh I think if I said that to any black girl, she would be more puzzled than angry...

I agree, also it doesnt sound right if is say it like f you you C%^&!, id ratherjust say b and be done with it
Originally Posted by Cap29

WTT link request.


I missed Meth's warning where he said he would snipe anybody who asked for a link.
I haven't quite enjoyed the album since.
Damn. Album was so hyped Meth made a trip to the Music forum...mods don't eem come round there
that sucks
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

With age you realize that silence is the best possible response to any combative person, whether male or female. I just look them in the eye, give them the okay, cool look, then keep it moving. I don't got time for silly verbal scuffles. Women are petty if you allow them to be petty. Once they realize you dont play that game they'll realize that they're dealing with a man, and not a child, and they won't come at you like that.

This is true
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

I dont put myself in situations where I would have to verbally abuse women. In other words I dont associate myself with bucket headed women kapish?
Neither of you must not get around ANY women then
I've been in a steady relationship with my girlfriend for 2 years and 9 months
i don't talk down to females (or anyone for that matter) but i was hooping tonight and some dude told a girl to play defense. her homegirl who wasnt even playing started barking off and cussing out the guy from the sidelines. this chick was young too, prob still in highschool. i just
dude kept his cool and gave her the
Originally Posted by calibeebee

no, im like a simp pretty much when it comes to females. If she strikes me, it was probably my fault type attitude hahahaha.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

WTH is wrong with NT lately, first the rape thread now this?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

WTH is wrong with NT lately, first the rape thread now this?
My thoughts exactly. People are really proud of their misogynistic tendencies I suppose.
If its needed I do

will slap or shake......push too

after they get this look in their face from this point on she will forever love you or hate you
depends on the chick.  i mean if i don't really care about them and they get loud i'm gonna tell them to eat a **** and bounce.  if it's a chick i care about i try and just bite my tongue sometimes.  i guess i learned from the past calling chicks c's and b's doesn't get you that far.  especially if you want to continue to talk to them. 
I have never gotten to this point. (where a man would verbally abuse me) And I hope to never do so. I have seen plenty of people do it when I was younger and I used to think to myself all the time, how can they stand there and take that. Or how can you say something like that to someone.
i use to back in the day just cuz I was an A-hole....

now I kill em with kindness, but dont lemme get pissed off, its over for em!
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by TraPpStar

With age you realize that silence is the best possible response to any combative person, whether male or female. I just look them in the eye, give them the okay, cool look, then keep it moving. I don't got time for silly verbal scuffles. Women are petty if you allow them to be petty. Once they realize you dont play that game they'll realize that they're dealing with a man, and not a child, and they won't come at you like that.

This is true
Originally Posted by Cuffy

I think sometimes you have to cut into em because women will talk and treat you any kind of way if you let them. I'm not sexist and I'm not saying just disrespect her but u definitely have to be the agressor. It's some men that will just let a woman walk all over them and it baffles ne.
If we could live in a world where we could be nice to everybody I would be more than happy but unfortunately you gotta be a jerk. I love it when you can actually be nice to a girl, that's one of the best feelings in the world.
Sounds to me like you're dealing with the wrong kind of women.
There's no need for either party to feel the need to be the aggressor if you have mutual respect for one another.

Listen, everybody is going to have their arguments from time to time, but the best thing you can do in any situation where you think a woman is just trying to "walk all over" you, is just to state your position, calmly, that its unacceptable and if it persists, just do the talking with your feet as you exit the relationship.  Maybe, doing that will open a more productive line of communication.  Most likely it won't, as most people are set in their ways and its pretty hard to change a person's character.  If that's the case, then screw it: it's better to peace out anyway.  Live and learn, and choose your mate more carefully the next time around.  After all, its not like you just wake up 4 months into a relationship to realize someone has *****y tendencies.  Those are things you can sense very early on. 

 Why would you even want to be in a relationship where you felt you had to constantly assert your dominance?  That just sounds taxing and emotionally draining.

The same goes for women.  Don't subject yourself to abuse by anybody.  Life's too short for unnecessary strife.
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