Do You Wash Your Face & Brush Your Teeth BEFORE Going To Bed?

Oct 13, 2001
I know a few folks that don't do this. I won't lie, until I came across someone that stressed the importance of it. It is just something I never thought of. I do it religiously now and have been for the last 6 or so years.

Of course we don't take a shower before we go to bed EVERY night, so for the days that you don't take a shower; Do You Wash Your Face & Brush Your Teeth BEFORE Going To Bed?
^ Well we have folks on here that go days not showering and going to class in that funk. So I wouldn't put it past them
What the hell? I take a shower every night and I wash my face and brush my teeth every night. I never heard of people not doing that.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

I find it disgusting not to
Word, I can understand MAYBE not washing your face, but not brushing your teeth?
my mouth feels mad grimey if I dont brush before I sleep
wash face/shower

every clockwork...even when im blackout drunk
I only brush my teeth and wash my face in the morning. Sometimes i do it before bed if my mouth feels dirty and i just throw some water on my face before bed. I shower twice a day alot though since im somewhat a germophobe/ocd i cant sleep in my bed if i had socks/shoes on or put something in my hair or something. When im too tired to do that i just go downstairs and sleep on the couch.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

there are people who only brush their teeth in the morning?
my mom had to beat that into me...i always wash my face though, my skin is bad enough as it is
NT: Where everyone drives a BMW, dates models/video vixens, Teeth are so straight people think theyre fake, wash face and brush teeth religiously before going to bed.

I swear some of you just say the things that you think will make you look cooler, no matter how far from the truth it is.
Originally Posted by Diego

NT: Where everyone drives a BMW, dates models/video vixens, Teeth are so straight people think theyre fake, wash face and brush teeth religiously before going to bed.

I swear some of you just say the things that you think will make you look cooler, no matter how far from the truth it is.

we gotta be cool somewhere. 
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

there are people who only brush their teeth in the morning?
have a friend that does this. his mouth must hate him.

i brush my teeth @ least twice a day, floss & do that mouthwash thing. but i'm not gonna lie... i've come home a few times after the club & just ko'd, makeup & all. 
Originally Posted by Diego

NT: Where everyone drives a BMW, dates models/video vixens, Teeth are so straight people think theyre fake, wash face and brush teeth religiously before going to bed.

I swear some of you just say the things that you think will make you look cooler, no matter how far from the truth it is.

how does brushing your teeth and washing your face make you cool? 

agreed with the BMW and models picking up katy perry in m6 later tonight
what if you're doin' an all nighter - finishing work or studying for school? what then becomes the right time to "wash your face / brush teeth before goin to bed" ?
this just came to me, since im about to do an all nighter right now.
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