Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston

Apr 15, 2004
Before this becomes a race thread, I heard this topic on rickey smiley this morning and they felt that kids do not get individual attention anymore in schools resulting in this "problem"

They cited winston as well as the girl from the trayvon martin trial.

Who is at fault?
Is it even an issue?
How do we solve it?
"I said are u strong? Well we strong together" my man jameis 
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I believe I read somewhere that jameis was in special ed classes. Maybe there's an speech problem or something
watched the vid.

didnt really pick up on any brow raising grammatical errors @ all.

need to check out the girl from the martin trial tho...
I don't care what white people think..,plenty of them ******* can't talk either.

They ignore **** involving them and always magnify a minority no matter what it is.

"Black people smoke crack" ...well what about your white counterparts that smoke meth to their face fall off?

**** is so ******g stupid but I'll guess the blue eyes blonde hair pale Jesus based outta the Middle East will help me get over it
I said, they said, then I said....WUT

Nah but he was emotional and JUST got done playing in a emotional championship game. He did just fine when he was presented with the player of the game trophy. Mountain out of a molehill.
Its not a huge problem per say, but there are FAR too many people from all walks of life that think slang is OK in every day speak. When you get in the corporate world, you are looked upon as an idiot no matter who you are. Slang does NOT work in a business setting.

Where does it start? The class room.

When I was a kid slang would not be tolerated in the class room. Period.

Its a LOT bigger issue however than just saying "the classroom." Teachers aren't paid nearly what they deserve so you get unmotivated, uninspired and half *** teachers "teaching."

If the parent's aren't going to correct you, then the teacher should. If they're not going to do it, then this is what you get.

Oh and my point isn't about Jameis. I honestly understood everything the kid said. Wasn't nearly as bad as some athletes out there.
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I don't care what white people think..,plenty of them ******* can't talk either.

They ignore **** involving them and always magnify a minority no matter what it is.

"Black people smoke crack" ...well what about your white counterparts that smoke meth to their face fall off?

**** is so ******g stupid but I'll guess the blue eyes blonde hair pale Jesus based outta the Middle East will help me get over it

This is not helping anything.
I keep saying this... Dude is just country as hell, from Alabama.

If you actually listen to what hes actually saying, you may end up being impressed with his poise and leadership.

Hes a smart kid.

Dude came out of HS with a 4.0 and has a 3.0 at FSU.
If you've watched his other interviews, dude is very poised and articulates himself well.
Dude is just country and was full of adrenaline.
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I have been waiting for this topic to come up all season. I remember the first time I heard him speak, and thinking to myself "he is country" and people are going to think he is not that bright. I do not think he has a speech problem, I just think he is country. He is from Alabama. I think his speech will slowly change as he gets older and is around different people. I grew up in the "country" and I will never forget going to college and people telling my I spoke country. Now 13 years later my speech has changed. This Christmas when I was visiting with my family. I noticed their speech. I know I used to sound just like them. Also, think about the people he is hanging around. They most likely speak in slang 99% of the time. I also think he stumbles because he is trying to say the "correct" things for the camera. I bet he doesn't stumble around his words when he is not talking to the media.
Outside of the double negatives, which people from all over seem to struggle with, I didn't see anything wrong with son's speech. Overdramatic critics just looking for something to tweet about.
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Winston is a reach example imo.

But im from south carolina and I have met black and white people and asian people whose speech probably would not compute into siri.

I personally have no issue with it.
But alot of

I speak wit alot of slang but if were to give a speech or something for example it wouldnt sound the same as if I were talking to my homeboys.

Some people cannot transition like that.

It doesn not make them any more/less intelligent in my eyes..just the way they...

Were brought up?
Not taught?...

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