Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston

The irony is that AJ's mom mispelled words in her bio.
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I keep saying this... Dude is just country as hell, from Alabama.

If you actually listen to what hes actually saying, you may end up being impressed with his poise and leadership.

Hes a smart kid.
Dude came out of HS with a 4.0 and has a 3.0 at FSU.
If you've watched his other interviews, dude is very poised and articulates himself well.
Dude is just country and was full of adrenaline.
The 2 main moments that people point to are after he won the Heisman and after he won the BCS Title. 
 Country drawl x 2 of the biggest moments of his life as a 19 year old (although he turned 20 on Monday...).

Could his accent cause problems if he was trying to pursue a suit and tie type of career? Maybe... But he could clean it up.

Fact is hes going to be a leader of men in the NFL.  And already is at the absolute highest level of collegiate sports.

These people better lay off my boy Jameis.

Tell you what though this country really does have a literacy problem in low income areas.  And I'm not speaking specifically around minorities by any means.  My wife is a literacy coach and reading teacher at a low income area about 45 minutes from where we live, in a white town and the literacy levels there are awful.  And nobody is trying to do **** about it to the point where she hates her job, not because of the kids but because of the Educational system not giving people the opportunity and the tools to truly help these kids move forward.
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I've always wondered how difficult it is to participate in an interview after playing in a college or pro level game and I'd imagine it's very difficult.

Forgot who it was (maybe Kobe?) said you just try your best not to sound like an idiot 
Dude is from my side of town. For the most part we all can sound like that. But you can tell he was both excited at the moment and just didnt care what people thought.

In other interviews he is more cleaned up and radio personalities say he's a good interview.

Its cool to make fun of his speech and country accent but dont call the boy dumb because he's being himself.
Jameis is just a country boy, people gonna hate regardless
I keep saying this... Dude is just country as hell, from Alabama.

If you actually listen to what hes actually saying, you may end up being impressed with his poise and leadership.

Hes a smart kid.
Excellent points.
Tell you what though this country really does have a literacy problem in low income areas.  And I'm not speaking specifically around minorities by any means. 
Very much true.  I have friends that are teachers that have such an uphill battle with certain students that arrive to school from low-income areas. 
Its heating up down here for Sunday...
I'm looking forward to it champ
I laughed at the speech because dude was hype as hell... Talking all over the place...


But a speech problem? :stoneface:

Son was clearly on an adrenaline rush... And he's from Alabama...

I'm pretty sure if it was a hard core new yorker up there, folks down south would be like "lolwut"

I understood every thing... Maybe cuz I'm from the souf.

But like homey said... Anything to clown a brother in a shining moment.

Nah, man.

Older Black people are THE WORST when it comes to the English language.

Any Black person over 60 from the South just makes me mad talking to them. Like, I wanna correct EVERYTHING they say ALL the time but can't out of respect.
Listen, I understand he is "country" but I think the "excuse" for his speech in the two big cases that are being brought up (Nat'l Championship / Heisman) should be more attributed to nervousness and adrenaline.

That being said, I don't think he articulates himself well and being "country" is not a good excuse for anyone.

You can criticize someone's speech and not be racist, so people in here need to stop throwing that word around so loosely. He's also a young kid, but I think he comes off very cocky and arrogant even when he was trying to be poised and humble.

I frankly don't like him nor do I think he's as good of a QB as people think he is, but that's a different conversation.
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Just watched the speech, I really don't see anything wrong with it. Sounded like his age, where he's from and how amped he was. People do too much.
I always comment on people speaking on camera but at the same time I know damn well i'd be 10 times worse. When Jameis rambled that he said, i said, he said, I'll laugh at the TV and say damn he messed up to who ever is around me. Or every time Derrick Rose is being interviewed I say he definitely doesnt want to be on camera. But ill never judge a person for messing up. There's a difference from being uneducated and just stumbling over your words cause you're nervous. I'd like to see them throw McCarrons Mom on that camera so they can ask her questions where you're literally forced to make something up and pull it out of your ***. They ask you questions that can be answered in 5 words or less but they expect you to ramble on for minutes.

To answer the question in the thread title, no he's 18 years old on camera what do you expect. People like AJ's mom are just total ****s Why do people feel the need to use twitter to make this a bigger deal than it really is idk. We all know the guy is smart.
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That being said, I don't think he articulates himself well and being "country" is not a good excuse for anyone.

You can criticize someone's speech and not be racist, so people in here need to stop throwing that word around so loosely. He's also a young kid, but I think he comes off very cocky and arrogant even when he was trying to be poised and humble.

As far as people referring to him as "country" I think they are referring more to his southern twang or accent so to speak, IMO. Or at least that is how I am referring to it.  He's not dumb by any stretch, and like you stated earlier, he just won the national championship so I think it's quite fair to say that he was excited and adrenaline was flowing so he might have tripped up on a word or statement but overall there was nothing wrong with his speech. 

Also, I do agree that you can criticize someone's speech and not be racist, because that is a strong term to use.  However, I think we have to look at this particularly situation objectively and think about why there is, or was such a focus to try and ridicule the brotha after such a victorious moment.  For certain people, to this day it's very difficult for them to see either a brotha doing well or a brotha on top.  Again, certain people.  For those people, if they can somehow try to bring that brotha back down to reality or paint him in a negative light their job/mission is accomplished.  We had a similar situation as it pertains to Cam Newton (shout out to my boy @gllahone84) a few years ago where a pro football draft expert had this to say about Cam..............

"“Very disingenuous — has a fake smile, comes off as very scripted and has a selfish, me-first makeup.  Always knows where the cameras are and plays to them.  Has an enormous ego with a sense of entitlement that continually invites trouble and makes him believe he is above the law — does not command respect from teammates and will always struggle to win a locker room . . . Lacks accountability, focus and trustworthiness — is not punctual, seeks shortcuts and sets a bad example.  Immature and has had issues with authority.  Not dependable.”

The funny/sad thing is, this pro football draft expert had never met Cam Newton in his life.  So we have to ask ourselves what was the reason or purpose behind this attack. 
What a bunch of @#$%. Every culture/region has slang. it has nothing to do with education :lol: I speak like a nerd at work or when talking to old people, but as soon as I'm with my boys, that Bay Area slang naturally comes out :lol: pretty sure everyone else is the same way.

and @#$% professional speaking in SPORTS of all things :lol: undercover racists just mad that they live in the typical generic/cultureless white suburban neighborhoods

go to England and listen to how young white people talk there, or how young people in Spain speak Spanish. Its an international thing
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He was prolly on adrenaline and was exhausted. Media always trying to make a big deal out of nothing.

The speech was somewhat cringeworthy if anything but this is what I expect when these dudes don't have anything planned.
i didn't even hear anything wrong with his speech... got me worried how people hear me when i talk 
Dude is from my side of town. For the most part we all can sound like that. But you can tell he was both excited at the moment and just didnt care what people thought.

In other interviews he is more cleaned up and radio personalities say he's a good interview.

Its cool to make fun of his speech and country accent but dont call the boy dumb because he's being himself.

Agreed. His country twang has nothing to do with his intelligence level. A lot of people, including very successful business owners, sound that way down here. As a Yankee transplant, I still chuckle at it because it's still so foreign to me (as are country *** black folks). But it doesn't mean someone is unintelligent.
People just want to tear him down

I do think our educational system is in shambles but I don't personally think he's a reflection of that

Honestly people just like to hate and social media has made it so the every hateful idiot can spew their garbage to the masses
So based on ONE person society has a problem? LOL. This is a troll post from tiger fans. Next post is "is rape ok?"
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