Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston

Why is being country used as an excuse to not speak clear and coherent? Word to D Rose, that dude don't need to do too many interviews.

I take it you've never been to the country?

Then take it somewhere because my family is from Charleston, SC. Country as hell, they make deer meat for thanksgiving :x What's your point? Talking like the cookie monster is acceptable?
Why is being country used as an excuse to not speak clear and coherent? Word to D Rose, that dude don't need to do too many interviews.

I take it you've never been to the country?

Then take it somewhere because my family is from Charleston, SC. Country as hell, they make deer meat for thanksgiving :x What's your point? Talking like the cookie monster is acceptable?

That's just how some folks talk man. Like I said, I chuckle at it because it's foreign to me. But that's how they talk and that's that. Truth be told, country folks have ragged on me for speaking so "proper", even though I don't really speak that way.

Also, the dude is a football player. Why does he have to be articulate and well-spoken? His job is to deliver on the field, not into the mic after the game. Dude was all over the place with his interview, and yes I clowned too. But he just drove down the field and threw the national championship game winning touchdown pass. And he's country. Cut the kid some slack.
Why is being country used as an excuse to not speak clear and coherent? Word to D Rose, that dude don't need to do too many interviews.

Don't do that. Everything he said was clear and coherent to me. I agree it was scarambled, but the message was there.
Besides Manziel, dude is the most prolific QB in college football right now. Dude brought an aura back to FSU.
There's a reason that this so called "speech issue" is just now coming about so obviously this isn't a real problem.
As I stated, he's a country teenager that had just become the first freshman to win the National Championship. Are people serious with this?

My question is, why hasn't anyone brought Tebow into the discussion and why didn't he recieve the same scrutiny?
He most definitely has a problem articulating himself. Those awkward pauses are cringeworthy.
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As far as people referring to him as "country" I think they are referring more to his southern twang or accent so to speak, IMO. Or at least that is how I am referring to it.  He's not dumb by any stretch, and like you stated earlier, he just won the national championship so I think it's quite fair to say that he was excited and adrenaline was flowing so he might have tripped up on a word or statement but overall there was nothing wrong with his speech. 

Also, I do agree that you can criticize someone's speech and not be racist, because that is a strong term to use.  However, I think we have to look at this particularly situation objectively and think about why there is, or was such a focus to try and ridicule the brotha after such a victorious moment.  For certain people, to this day it's very difficult for them to see either a brotha doing well or a brotha on top.  Again, certain people.  For those people, if they can somehow try to bring that brotha back down to reality or paint him in a negative light their job/mission is accomplished.  We had a similar situation as it pertains to Cam Newton (shout out to my boy @gllahone84
) a few years ago where a pro football draft expert had this to say about Cam..............

"“Very disingenuous — has a fake smile, comes off as very scripted and has a selfish, me-first makeup.  Always knows where the cameras are and plays to them.  Has an enormous ego with a sense of entitlement that continually invites trouble and makes him believe he is above the law — does not command respect from teammates and will always struggle to win a locker room . . . Lacks accountability, focus and trustworthiness — is not punctual, seeks shortcuts and sets a bad example.  Immature and has had issues with authority.  Not dependable.”

The funny/sad thing is, this pro football draft expert had never met Cam Newton in his life.  So we have to ask ourselves what was the reason or purpose behind this attack. 

I think the connotation of "country" equating to him/anyone being dumb or slow is the issue here.

My point was the label of him being country, as in us saying "oh well he is country" should not be used as an excuse for him or anyone for being a poor speaker and not speaking properly, ESPECIALLY when you're the face of the university and it's football team.
Nothing is wrong with his speech. He's just country as hell. Nothing wrong with that. 

If you ask me, the hilarious thing was how giddy he was that God won the game for FSU. 
I think the connotation of "country" equating to him/anyone being dumb or slow is the issue here.

My point was the label of him being country, as in us saying "oh well he is country" should not be used as an excuse for him or anyone for being a poor speaker and not speaking properly, ESPECIALLY when you're the face of the university and it's football team.
Personally, I don't think he is a poor speaker or unable able to speak properly.  If you feel differently, then so be it.  Also, even if he were the face of the university and the football team as you put it, he's just that.......the FACE, not the mouthpiece. 

He's not the pubic relations manager, not the spokesperson, not the dean, not the chancellor or any other title that is associated with and more importantly directly PAID by the university to perform said task.  He's a just recently turned 20 year old student athlete, 20.........that most likely had an influx of emotion and adrenaline all at one time as cameras rushed up to him after he just won the biggest game of his life. 
black/white/whatever, i think it's a southern/country thing going on
I think the connotation of "country" equating to him/anyone being dumb or slow is the issue here.

My point was the label of him being country, as in us saying "oh well he is country" should not be used as an excuse for him or anyone for being a poor speaker and not speaking properly, ESPECIALLY when you're the face of the university and it's football team.

Bruh... Sit down somewhere...

Dude is 20 y/o, got accepted to Stanford, and was hype as hell after winning a national championship.

Where's that preacher gif when you need it.... :rofl:
Exactly I just don't like the " oh he just a county bwoy" excuse, what does that even mean? What does being country mean in terms of speech?

It has nothing to do with race, at least not me AJ sounds slow too :lol:
why aren't yall concerned about honey boo boo and her family of inbreds?
What's funny is put ya'll up there in front the cameras and you wouldn't have his poise, turn into straight radio, stuttering up there. Gotta love the internet.
If jameis was white , millions of ignorant black people would be calling him a cocky redneck trying to be black, i dont know why people turn everything into race, all ignorant people are prejudice
Its not a huge problem per say, but there are FAR too many people from all walks of life that think slang is OK in every day speak. When you get in the corporate world, you are looked upon as an idiot no matter who you are. Slang does NOT work in a business setting.

Where does it start? The class room.

When I was a kid slang would not be tolerated in the class room. Period.

Its a LOT bigger issue however than just saying "the classroom." Teachers aren't paid nearly what they deserve so you get unmotivated, uninspired and half *** teachers "teaching."

If the parent's aren't going to correct you, then the teacher should. If they're not going to do it, then this is what you get.

Oh and my point isn't about Jameis. I honestly understood everything the kid said. Wasn't nearly as bad as some athletes out there.

Oh, the irony.
If jameis was white , millions of ignorant black people would be calling him a cocky redneck trying to be black, i dont know why people turn everything into race, all ignorant people are prejudice

You sound dumb...let me know when this has happened? As a whole most don't even care about stupid **** like this

Just wish y'all showed the same concern for tebow who constantly repeated "it's cool" 20 something times when he signed with the jets
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@venom lyrix  When you grow up in a place where everyone is speaking a certain way from the time you come out of the womb, you inherently adopt that kind of "accent"... There are some things that I'm sure if he were to be making a presentation for a class he would clean up i.e. "they were" instead of "they was" etc.

If you're from the south surrounded by people who speak that way its going to be your natural way of speaking.  If they all had British accents in Alabama then he'd sound like a character from some Guy Ritchie film talking about "I WAS ON THE BOUNDRY WITH ME LADS AND THE LOT OF US MUSTERED THE STRENF TO WIN THE MATCH!!". 

I'm confident that if he wanted to tighten up his grammatical errors he could easily do so.  But the accent isn't going anywhere any time soon.
@venom lyrix
 When you grow up in a place where everyone is speaking a certain way from the time you come out of the womb, you inherently adopt that kind of "accent"... There are some things that I'm sure if he were to be making a presentation for a class he would clean up i.e. "they were" instead of "they was" etc.

If you're from the south surrounded by people who speak that way its going to be your natural way of speaking.  If they all had British accents in Alabama then he'd sound like a character from some Guy Ritchie film talking about "I WAS ON THE BOUNDRY WITH ME LADS AND THE LOT OF US MUSTERED THE STRENF TO WIN THE MATCH!!". :lol:  

I'm confident that if he wanted to tighten up his grammatical errors he could easily do so.  But the accent isn't going anywhere any time soon.

Definitely. I grew up in a Vietnamese and Mexican neighborhood with Portuguese and Indian parents but went to 80% white schools for high school and college. My current accent confuses the @#$% out of many people :lol:
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