Does anyone else just get sad out of nowhere???

My ex gf had Borderline and she was always like this, it was the worst...I would get so annoyed bc she blamed everyone and never took steps to make it better

:wow: That must've been a difficult relationship. Borderline is no joke.

But to answer OP's question, all the time. This year has been crazy for me. Broke up with my bf of 2 years in April. Lost all of my friends because of him (everyone chose his side, even if they said they were "neutral", but none of them even asked how I was doing for months but hung out with him all the time |I) I'm slowly regaining them back as friends but I still think about how much of a loner I am and how they'll probably ditch me again. I was a lot more depressed earlier in the year. I'm doing better now but there's just those days where I don't wanna do anything/talk to anyone. I just go take a walk or something by myself and meditate when I'm that sad.
Depression runs in my family as well. Unfortunately, I have the gene. I know where most people in this thread are coming from. A lot of the time I only feel comfortable cuddled up in bed, in the shower, or driving long distances. I get hit with spells where I'm emotional easily, find it difficult to get motivated, don't want to eat, and lack confidence. All symptoms of depression I guess.

On November 3, I lost my best friend to a heroin overdose. He was like a brother. We grew up together skateboarding, chasing girls, and just enjoyed each others' company. We had the same exact personality and sense of humor, where we could just clown on everyone and everything including ourselves for hours on end, just laughing and laughing. A week before he passed, he asked me to be his best man at his wedding. I still haven't fully accepted what happened. Having someone call you to say you need to get to the hospital to say goodbye and then being faced with the reality of seeing your boy on life support knowing within hours they're going to pull the plug is some HEAVY stuff. This was a huge loss for me and one I'll probably never recover from.

If anyone has ever suffered a loss of this magnitude, how the hell did you cope with it?
Depression runs in my family as well. Unfortunately, I have the gene. I know where most people in this thread are coming from. A lot of the time I only feel comfortable cuddled up in bed, in the shower, or driving long distances. I get hit with spells where I'm emotional easily, find it difficult to get motivated, don't want to eat, and lack confidence. All symptoms of depression I guess.
On November 3, I lost my best friend to a heroin overdose. He was like a brother. We grew up together skateboarding, chasing girls, and just enjoyed each others' company. We had the same exact personality and sense of humor, where we could just clown on everyone and everything including ourselves for hours on end, just laughing and laughing. A week before he passed, he asked me to be his best man at his wedding. I still haven't fully accepted what happened. Having someone call you to say you need to get to the hospital to say goodbye and then being faced with the reality of seeing your boy on life support knowing within hours they're going to pull the plug is some HEAVY stuff. This was a huge loss for me and one I'll probably never recover from.
If anyone has ever suffered a loss of this magnitude, how the hell did you cope with it?

lots of betas itt
i never randomly get sad i couldnt even cry at my aunts/uncles/grandmas funeral
id probably only cry at my parents/sibilings/kids/wife/gf/baby mother/bestfriends funeral
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i noticed that alot of dudes are sad for no reason...they live nice cushy lives and this and that but *sigh* life is so sorry but i cant relate to that, if you're legit goin thru some ish

i feel ya, but if youre sad because you got so many nice things a great job but some chick just wants to be friends with you, then you need to pick ya nuts up,everyone gets a pass now..

its the norm for dudes to cry on each others shoulders and hug it out cuz "they know that feel" the fudge outta here man..i grew up dirt poor made it out, got hooked on drugs put a shotgun

in my mouth and i still didnt cry like a lil b__ ..i think of stuff and how i could've maybe done better but whats done is done, move need to cry over spilt milk..we went from idolizing biggie and pac to kids looking up to these dudes...
I never get randomly sad, but sometimes (albeit rarely) the littlest thing will piss me off extraordinary amounts. Like wanting to hold someone down and punch them repeatedly mad. I'm not sure all this weed smoking is good for emotional stability.
yeah I tend to get randomly sad at moments... i always try to raise my vibrations when Im feeling down... ill think about something or someone that i havent seen in a while
i noticed that alot of dudes are sad for no reason...they live nice cushy lives and this and that but *sigh* life is so sorry but i cant relate to that, if you're legit goin thru some ish
i feel ya, but if youre sad because you got so many nice things a great job but some chick just wants to be friends with you, then you need to pick ya nuts up,everyone gets a pass now..
its the norm for dudes to cry on each others shoulders and hug it out cuz "they know that feel" the fudge outta here man..i grew up dirt poor made it out, got hooked on drugs put a shotgun
in my mouth and i still didnt cry like a lil b__ ..i think of stuff and how i could've maybe done better but whats done is done, move need to cry over spilt milk..we went from idolizing biggie and pac to kids looking up to these dudes...

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Everyone's brain is wired differently though, so "easy" and "difficult" are subjective terms. What may be easy to you might be hard for someone else and vice versa.

Not saying I'm the type to cry over a chick wanting to be friends though :lol: :nerd:
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When I was younger like right before middle school. I would feel sad as ****. I would sometimes think what would happen if I died. Who would cry for me. Who would show up in my funeral. Now I'm off that. Now my brain brings up embarrassing episodes in my life. I always cringe and wonder to myself wth was I thinking.
I often do....

its due to uncontrollable stuff and sometimes people around me drain me and just make me feel so wack.

somethings just weigh a dude down... but I make the best of what I can do and feel a lil better.
I never get randomly sad, but sometimes (albeit rarely) the littlest thing will piss me off extraordinary amounts. Like wanting to hold someone down and punch them repeatedly mad. I'm not sure all this weed smoking is good for emotional stability.
i think the weed makes me more angry
i noticed that alot of dudes are sad for no reason...they live nice cushy lives and this and that but *sigh* life is so sorry but i cant relate to that, if you're legit goin thru some ish

i feel ya, but if youre sad because you got so many nice things a great job but some chick just wants to be friends with you, then you need to pick ya nuts up,everyone gets a pass now..

its the norm for dudes to cry on each others shoulders and hug it out cuz "they know that feel" the fudge outta here man..i grew up dirt poor made it out, got hooked on drugs put a shotgun

in my mouth and i still didnt cry like a lil b__ ..i think of stuff and how i could've maybe done better but whats done is done, move need to cry over spilt milk..we went from idolizing biggie and pac to kids looking up to these dudes...
truuuuu  haha but seriously. these dudes have nice jobs and nice places to live, pick up the newest releases, had parents around to buy them Js for school lol  i dint have a nice pair of shoes untill I was 14/15     I know money cant buy happiness but damn would hate to see yall during tough times
yeah it happens, isn't rare to be honest.

@jbpkickz - weed makes you more angry? wow, you're probably the first person I've heard that from.
Subconscious habits, you have to catch yourself consciously and realize that it's all an illusion. You have to understand that positive as well as negative situations you find yourself in are simply part of this physical experience of life. As humans, you must control your emotions. Only you can change yourself from within. The same thing with negative thoughts that you often think about when you get angry or upset (Subconsciously), you have to catch yourself doing it (consciously) and know the right thing to do when you catch yourself. We are driven by our subconsciousness 95% and only 5% consciously aware of this, imagine if we are 95% consciously aware of the things we do emotionally?

When people know the beautiful, they understand also what is ugly.
When they learn what is good, they realize
also what is evil.
In this way, beingness and non-beingness,
hard and easy, long and short, high and low allow knowing each other.
Different sounds mix and create harmony.
And so the preceding and the succeeding follow
each other harmoniously.
The wise prefers non-doing
and lives in quietness.
Everything happens around such a person as if by itself. He is not attached to anything
on the Earth. He does not own anything made
by him. He is not proud about his works.
Since he does not exalt himself, does not
boast, does not require special respect from others — he is pleasant to all.

Lao Tzu
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life is beautiful but evil at the same time..I sway back n forth between each side..

damn page thats deep...between this post and the other in TAY NT droppin gems today
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^ Not really deep, it's simply straight forward. Simply things are often the hardest or much difficult to do.

It's harder to live a simple life than a lavish one.
i noticed that alot of dudes are sad for no reason...they live nice cushy lives and this and that but *sigh* life is so sorry but i cant relate to that, if you're legit goin thru some ish
i feel ya, but if youre sad because you got so many nice things a great job but some chick just wants to be friends with you, then you need to pick ya nuts up,everyone gets a pass now..
its the norm for dudes to cry on each others shoulders and hug it out cuz "they know that feel" the fudge outta here man..i grew up dirt poor made it out, got hooked on drugs put a shotgun
in my mouth and i still didnt cry like a lil b__ ..i think of stuff and how i could've maybe done better but whats done is done, move need to cry over spilt milk..we went from idolizing biggie and pac to kids looking up to these dudes...

Stopped reading right there.
Sad? Yes of course. Sad for no reason though? What does that even mean? How can sad emotions possibly be evoked with no stimuli?
Ya kinda. I'm pretty sure I am struggling with stress causing me to go into a depressions :\
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