Does anyone still wear Girbaud jeans?

I only wear them with my FUBU jersey
No, but dudes down here in the south be keepin trends strong. It seems like up north stuff from the south catches on and then dies out. Down here white tees,southpole, dickies, girbauds etc. still seems to be poppin. Its like yall up north be switching more to that rockstar look than down here. Kinda like trendscome and go but a lotta dudes dont give a shhhhh.
SOMEBODY is definitely still wearing Girbauds. Once a brand starts losing its popularity in the US, and its made its run through marshalls/ross/etc, it starts making its way around the world into the poorer countries. I think last time i went to mexico, i saw dudes/stores selling fresh, crispy PACO, BOSS, and Karl Kani gear. Girbauds, if not already, is well on its way.

They were popular in the Philippines in the 90s. I remember back when I was in 3rd-4th grade, everyone was on it. Some stores still exist there, I'mprobably counting 2-3 right in the metro too. The one with straps weren't popular though.

I don't know anyone who buys stuff from their but knowing people there, as long as its branded, you're "in".

"I'm wering GEER-BO"
dying in the US can be the best thing for your product sometimes...check out karl kani...son is CAKIN in europe
I used to have one pair, it had navy blue straps. But it's not like it was only an urban brand. Isn't it a high end designer brand, I just remember onFresh Prince when Hillary was talking about her boyfriend who was played by Malcolm Jamal Warner, she said that he was wearing the pair that she bought him.
yeah i where the skinny joints and short sleeve thermal. they fit like Nudies slim jim/thin Finn. and you still get to keep the straps. %%+##

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