Does anyone think they're going to be rich 10 years from now?

Most of you sound like you will be disappointed in 10 years.

Very few people can consider themselves "rich".
like everyone else screw rich i just wanna
have money saved in bank nice checking account
lovely home 1 maybe 2 cars and have a happy comfortable life.
nothing over the edge i want to be low-key as possible.
Don't think about stuff like that...if I work hard...everything will come on its own.

I just really hope me and my family will be healthy and comfortable.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Don't think about stuff like that...if I work hard...everything will come on its own.

I just really hope me and my family will be healthy and comfortable.

Real Talk, I got a master plan though.
Why people always say that they think they'll be rich in 10 years? I'm talkin about 3-5 years.
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