Does anyone use CashCrate to get easy money?

Feb 11, 2008

was looking on FSF for pictures of woman in sneakers for the thread in sneaker showcase and i seen it in somones sig, so i signed up

anyone use it?
i did once in 8th grade... made a quick 90 bucks then stopped because it got tiring.

the hassle is not worth the measly couple bucks... there are much better ways to make even more easy $$$
my link
Yea it works sign up wit my ink

I made about $ 10 in the last 3 days, I put in about three hours of work its pretty decent but u gotta be really bored at your computer.. You guys should tryamazon mturk as well, and youdata.

One more note on cashcrate, u need to make a spam email address so all the companies send the email that way and use for a number to sends your texts toemail
I'm a n00b at this cashcrate thing, I just started doin it today. and I was doing a bunch of the surveys and stuff, and realized that I didnt even have tofill out the surveys so submit them, you can just click the link, and you'll be able to submit it without doing the survey. so I kept doing that over andover and now I have over $300 in pending earnings, and after I did all that I was reading the member page and saw this "Remember to use only trueinformation when completing offers or your account will be terminated." would they know that I didnt really fill out the surveys?
my account is about to get offed after just one day. well, atleast I made $4.25 forJuly earnings. not bad
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