Does It Get Old Living Someplace That's Nice Year-Round?

60 degrees is good enough for me in the winter :lol:. Shoveling snow, scraping ice off windshield, so cold your skin burning with 5 layers on walking like a penguin.. I'm a weather guy, will live in Cali for life.
I despise the summer heat unless i'm on vacation. Born and raised in NY I do like the variety of weather most of the time..

Love the fall and i've been considering San Fran to get a hybrid of NY/Socal weather.
Im from and have lived in Hawaii. Love it, but know I can't live here fulllll time. Maybe when the kids are older we have a spot there again as we plan to bounce around from CA/Hawaii/PI and have properties at each spot.
Love NY in the fall. That brisk walk everywhere with a nice coffee is amazing. When it gets to the teens though its a chore. Hate the muggy summers too though.
I need to find a place where it gets 80 tops in the summer, 30 at it’s lowest in the winter, and the trees never die so I don’t have to deal with spring allergens :lol:

I’m a Fall fan though. The trees turning, the mild breezes, not hot, not too cold.

I just hate humidity in the summer. And the DMV’s humidity is trash :smh:
Portland and Seattle got these kinda temps but you gotta deal with the wet weather and they not cities im too interested in living in long term :smh: ...The Bay area got some mild weather too, but that cost of living is a killer
Maaaan I may have 5 more years of NY winter in me....been to CA a couple times, I could definitely live out there and not be tired of it - that weather smh
PNW is a place I wouldn't mind moving to. But I heard the traffic and cost of living is just as bad.
PNW is beautiful. I love Seattle and Portland. I had a friend that lived in Seattle for eight years but moved to Denver because he got tired of it raining all the time.

Denver never got old. Weather was fantastic. Lived there for nine years and the temp never broke a hun-done in the summer and with zero humidity even when it was in the upper 90s it didn't feel bad. Fall was wonderful. Hoody and shorts szn. Best time of the year. People think that winter in Denver is bad but it might snow a foot the night before and it would all be gone by the next day. Even when it would be 20ish degrees the sun would be out shining. Never felt that cold.

Denver is tough these days. Cost of living is going through the roof and the traffic is AWFUL.
Live in SF. Lived in SoCal, Seattle, NYC, Hawaii, Houston, Miami, & Singapore...
Besides the feces, needles in the streets, car to car shootouts on freeways, cost of living...NorCal can't be beat (dunno in 2 yrs when markets tank)
Winters in PNW isn't's pitch blk by 4pm.
vegas is waaaaayyyyy cheaper. tons of people move from hawaii to vegas. personally, i’d hate to be away from the ocean.

Hell yeah it’s cheaper. I’d move to kauai specifically but I’m in construction and there isn’t enough going on there for me to have a good amount of work.

Vegas housing is like half price compared to where I live now, wages are the same and stuff is always getting torn down and rebuilt. It would be the perfect move for me.

Building is booming here too but I am sick of winter.

**** yes.

I miss the snow, the mud, the black ice, the having to dig myself out my driveway.

I’m tired of catching a heatstroke from just walking from my car to the grocery store.

Hell sounds like a vacation at this point.

So hot I left my phone in my whip once for 2 minutes and I had to give that **** CPR.

And the scorpions...why is there even a creature like this?

**** AZ.
I've lived in Atlanta, Chicago, and LA. Now I live in Tampa.

If I can help it I would love to live back in Cali, weather is great, doesn't get to hot/humid like the south.
For me, yes. I grew up in San Diego and felt like I wanted a change in scenery so I moved to San Francisco.

I left in 2009 but I've noticed more things popping up and more concerts / live shows take place in San Diego now.
Before moving to San Diego I lived in Hawaii for 13 years and I thought nothing beats this place. Moved to San Diego and was sad as hell but after making friends and getting to know the area I fell in love. Visited Hawaii for a week and was ready to go back to S.D.

I actually thought of you when I saw this thread. I remember you mentioning that you were ready to head back to the mainland after a short revisit to HI.
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