Does the Fentanyl Epidemic Scare You?

oh no doubt, psychedelics are my favorite by sound like you know what a good roll can do tho, no replacing that.

still, rather miss out on that than maybe end up face-down in gutter choking on death, so I'm cool until we clear all this up.

yeah tho, for the whole thread: if your friends use opiates these days, consider carrying Narcan...often free, could save a life.

Where does one get Narcan from? I want to add some into my first aid kit for my classroom.
I'm a bit scared that it'll find it's way into other legit prescription drugs, I don't trust these drug companies or any companies to care about the well being of the public
As a recovering opioid addict, I would strongly advise anyone to avoid them at all costs if you can. In my case the doctors tried just about every possible non-opioid painkillers or treatments but nothing made my chronic pain sufficiently bearable to eventually I was given the opioid painkiller Tramadol for daily use. This was while my pain problem was still progressively getting worse so my Tramadol dosage increased along with it, up to the maximum daily use.
Having a strong will is nice and all but even a short term post-surgery opioid prescription can cause your body to become physically addicted to it. Some people have serious withdrawal symptoms when they try to discontinue it after a mere 3-4 weeks, depending on which opioid is used.

Then there's the mental aspect too of course. I can say with full confidence that the opioid euphoric high is the greatest feeling ever, period. That's not glorifying it, that's a warning. Some may not like that kind of feeling but I can see how it would be very very easy to become mentally addicted to opioids well before the physical addiction even kicks in.

And believe me, you do not want to experience even mild opioid withdrawal. If you think the flu is bad you're in for a ride. The flu is an absolute cakewalk compared to the slightest opioid withdrawals.

I've now recovered from abusing my opioids way above my prescriped dosage but because I need a daily high opioid dosage to function properly with a bearable level of pain, I think of it like an alcoholic having to somehow not relapse while being forced to drink 2 beers every day.
Because I still live at home, my mom keeps my painkillers locked in a safe because I don't trust myself enough to be able to resist them if they were out in the open.

In short:
If you just had a really painful surgery or accident or something then yes, you'll probably want some opioids if the pain is that bad. However, be sure to ask for a relatively low potency opioid like Tramadol. Doctors in the US tend to be quick to prescripe far stronger opioids from what I hear. Then when the pain becomes somewhat bearable, I'd discontinue the opioids. Flush them, sell them, idk.
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I'm a bit scared that it'll find it's way into other legit prescription drugs, I don't trust these drug companies or any companies to care about the well being of the public
Naw. Thats an too EASY of a win in the courtroom. Might as well just give money away.
honestly you can 9 out of 10 just walk into your local pharmacy and ask, I think it's covered by insurance most of the time.

definitely mention you're putting together a first aid kit, that's good ****.

Great, going to ask next time I hit CVS. I mean if it's as ever growing issue as it's being reported I'd rather be safe than sorry and kids are known to experiment.
One thing I don’t understand, from a dealer, how does one believe possibly killing off your clientele is a good idea? I get stretching it out, but how you gonna get money if everyone is dead? AND them ODs makes it hot outside. ***** stupid.

THIS is 💯

It's like a prostitute who recklessly gets an STD and knowingly spreads it to her clientele. Why would you harm your customers? You lose your customers, you lose your business.
Naw. Thats an too EASY of a win in the courtroom. Might as well just give money away.
maybe but accidents happen. isn't that how they say it finds it's way into cocaine in the 1st place (cross contamination)? I'm not losing sleep over how unlikely/likely this is but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it happened.
Then there's the mental aspect too of course. I can say with full confidence that the opioid euphoric high is the greatest feeling ever, period. That's not glorifying it, that's a warning. Some may not like that kind of feeling but I can see how it would be very very easy to become mentally addicted to opioids well before the physical addiction even kicks in.

I had an emergency appendectomy done sometime during Nov. 2018. I was in the hospital for a few days, and they administered Dilaudid (I think), and I can tell you, that was greatest feeling I've ever felt in my life. Idk how to describe it, but that warm and fuzzy feeling is unmatched. Also, the warm feeling on/around your ears is something else as well. I felt like I was in heaven.

They prescribed me Percocet, but my sister flushed them down the toilet and ended up giving me some flower instead. Now that I think of it, I should've been addicted to opiods a long time ago. Had 2 ACL reconstructive surgeries all before the age of 22 and was prescribed Vicodin and Percocet both times. Took the drugs as well, but somehow never got hooked.
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yeah those things are too much
my body loves pain killers more than it should that's why i have to stay away
Only thing I could see maybe doing too much of is valium. It was like a peace and relaxation i've never felt before.

From experience I don't have whatever addictive trait there is for percs and vicodin to stick.
One thing I don’t understand, from a dealer, how does one believe possibly killing off your clientele is a good idea? I get stretching it out, but how you gonna get money if everyone is dead? AND them ODs makes it hot outside. ***** stupid.
People buy from a supplier and don’t know where they get it from. There’s always a huge chain that stuff gets passed alone from. “This is right off the brick” isn’t true 99% of the time. Long story short, they sell what they get given.
oh no doubt, psychedelics are my favorite by sound like you know what a good roll can do tho, no replacing that.

still, rather miss out on that than maybe end up face-down in gutter choking on death, so I'm cool until we clear all this up.

yeah tho, for the whole thread: if your friends use opiates these days, consider carrying Narcan...often free, could save a life.
If it ain’t natural I ain’t doing it. That’s how I feel at least. Drinking does nothing for me now too. That hangover ain’t worth it
I can dig that...safest route, actually.

still recommend shrooms to pretty much everybody at some point in life...there's a reason it's an ancient human tradition.
how and where would you recommend doing them?
the only thing im willing to try other than herb
People buy from a supplier and don’t know where they get it from. There’s always a huge chain that stuff gets passed alone from. “This is right off the brick” isn’t true 99% of the time. Long story short, they sell what they get given.
I get what you saying, **** rolls down hill, but even still, you sell me a brick, I go out and sell it, my clientele dies, I can’t sell because people actually value their lives, then I cant pay you. How is this winning??
I get what you saying, **** rolls down hill, but even still, you sell me a brick, I go out and sell it, my clientele dies, I can’t sell because people actually value their lives, then I cant pay you. How is this winning??
Well that works both ways too. Nobody wants to be connected to people dying including the supplier. I don’t know the percentage of people that die from laced coke. I’d be interested to know. Dudes on meth and **** they’re on borrowed time either way
how and where would you recommend doing them?
the only thing im willing to try other than herb

somewhere you're comfortable, with someone you trust. good music, comfortable seating, soft lights.

the visuals are fun and don't plan on doing anything too far beyond talking and drinking water for like 4 hours.

if you're in a weird place in your life, you might have to confront some **** more honest with yourself than you planned.

do you like your life? the people you spend time with? regrets about your past? the direction of society? you'll find out.

either way, you'll never be quite the same person again...and that's typically a good thing.
somewhere you're comfortable, with someone you trust. good music, comfortable seating, soft lights.

the visuals are fun and don't plan on doing anything too far beyond talking and drinking water for like 4 hours.

if you're in a weird place in your life, you might have to confront some **** more honest with yourself than you planned.

do you like your life? the people you spend time with? regrets about your past? the direction of society? you'll find out.

either way, you'll never be quite the same person again...and that's typically a good thing.
I did it once, def an interesting experience. Did it in a comfortable environment with buncha people i knew from young
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