dogs are only okay.

Would any of you in here eat a dog and if you have did it taste good?

I always wanted dogs growing up but my parents wouldn’t let us get one.

Now as an adult i’m too broke and live in too small of a space to get one. I only like big dogs none of that tiny yip yappy little ones. Perfect would be 3 dogs: A malamute, a bernese mountain dog, and a great pyrenees golden retriever mix.

All that said, my girl convinced me a few years ago to get some Scottish fold cats. And wow i’m so glad i did - they are reallly the best. Incredibly cute, love to cuddle and be together, so so so low maintenance, and really easy to care for.


After having cats though I realize i want to wait at least 10-15 more years for my dream of dogs. Animals are great to have but it’s really hard to travel and do other things with your life. It requires a lot of time and a lot of money if they get sick etc. Gfs family lives in another country so if we go for 3 weeks or longer coordinating the proper care for them is expensive and really just kinda sucks to leave them at home without us. i’m not one of those people that would want to fly commercial with pets either.
I’d never get one of those dog breeds that would run away the second they are off a leash or find the tiniest glimmer of an escape route.

The concept of keeping them as a pet when they’re dying to get away from you is weird as hell to me.
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