dogs are only okay.

Dogs are amazing if you live in a rural or non city environment.

Think dogs living in the city shouldn’t be allowed - 100% for the pooping and peeing issue - it’s really an unfair burden to place on the community. Really quite disgusting to have a dog do that on your lawn or on the city street sidewalk regardless of whether someone picks it up or not.

If we created infrastructure for having pets in the city that’d be different - ex, having small lawn areas consistently placed every few hundred yards in the city specifically designed for that.

Huh? This makes NO sense.

Dog's pooping and peeing in their little corners is what's really putting a dent into the carbon footprint? I think us humans need to do a better job at being clean, rather than place some blame on our furry friends.

BTW, Dogs >>>> Humans
Dogs are amazing if you live in a rural or non city environment.

Think dogs living in the city shouldn’t be allowed - 100% for the pooping and peeing issue - it’s really an unfair burden to place on the community. Really quite disgusting to have a dog do that on your lawn or on the city street sidewalk regardless of whether someone picks it up or not.

If we created infrastructure for having pets in the city that’d be different - ex, having small lawn areas consistently placed every few hundred yards in the city specifically designed for that.

While I think it is #NTExtremes to say dog ownership shouldn't be allowed in the city but depending on where you are there could be an issue with the amount of uncleaned #2s randomly in spots in the city.

But like others have said, we have been trashing this planet forEVER and that dog issue is just a smaller issue in the larger picture.

But yes, I hear you in saying dogs probably enjoy life much more when they have SPACE to operate.
Even still, if someone doesn't like Dogs that could be for a number of reasons.

Not casting judgement. Most likely they just weren't around them as a child and/or had bad experiences.

So yea, comments like that are always funny.
Ultimately, how someone feels about dogs doesn’t influence my opinion about them, for better or for worse.

I just don’t think anyone out here is expecting you to worship dogs. That’s wild.

My dog hates me 😂
What does Dogs > Humans mean?

means he learned English and bipedal locomotion from a dog, apparently.

yeah tho, this was an interesting read I meant to share in here.

During the coldest years of the last ice age—and especially in harsh Arctic and sub-Arctic winters—reindeer, wild horses and other human prey animals would have been eking out an existence, nearly devoid of fat and composed mostly of lean muscle. Using previously published early fossil records, Lahtinen and her colleagues calculated that the game captured by people in the Arctic and sub-Arctic during this time would have provided much more protein than they could have safely consumed.

In more ecologically favorable conditions, wolves and humans would have been competing for the same prey animals. But under the harsh circumstances of the Arctic and sub-Arctic ice age winter, sharing excess meat with canines would have cost people nothing. The descendants of wolves that took advantage of such handouts would have become more docile toward their bipedal benefactors over time, and they likely went on to become the first domesticated dogs. As the authors point out, the theory makes sense not just ecologically but also geographically: the earliest Paleolithic dog discoveries primarily come from areas that were very cold at the time.
we only "respect" our fellow humans (or at least are supposed to) and yet members of this species say **** like, yeah.
Much Like babies, it is easy to be so passionate about something that is unable to verbally let us know how they feel. That is part of the reason we foolishly believe dogs have unconditional love for us.

If only they could really tell us how they felt about us.
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Much Like babies, it is easy to be so passionate about something that is unable to verbally let us know how we feel. That is part of the reason we foolishly believe dogs have unconditional love for us.

If only they could really tell us how they felt about us.
I think that’s why people make statements such as “Dogs>People”. A human being can easily tell you to your face that you’re wack.

Dogs don’t have such ability, so people can blindly assume that dogs like them.
Much Like babies, it is easy to be so passionate about something that is unable to verbally let us know how we feel. That is part of the reason we foolishly believe dogs have unconditional love for us.

If only they could really tell us how they felt about us.

I've had similar thoughts, people can project their own interpretations onto the actions of a non-responding party...hell, I suspect people never really grow out of the imaginary friend phase, they just give cars and cats whole *** personalities.

what did the wise man say, something like "people often turn to a higher power when no one on Earth can stand them"?
I think that’s why people make statements such as “Dogs>People”. A human being can easily tell you to your face that you’re wack.

Dogs don’t have such ability, so people can blindly assume that dogs like them.

Still waiting on the reasoning behind dogs > humans.
But like others have said, we have been trashing this planet forEVER and that dog issue is just a smaller issue in the larger picture.

oh yeah, I meant to push back on this too.

it's not "we" that have been trashing the planet, it's "them."

how are uncontacted South American tribes destroying the planet?

what impact is your typical North Korean making on global warming?

how do the billions of people around the world without electricity create toxic waste?

have YOU or EYE made any decisions that determine the behavior and practices of an entire society?

...or was it DuPont that decided the world should be made of plastic, is it Nestle that drains lakes and sells the water back?

capitalist greed is trashing this planet...if "we" were doing it, "we" would have the profits from the sale of our Earth.
Dogs can def convey via physical cues their sentiments towards you. Stop it.
I don’t mean any disrespect man, I love dogs too. I’m just trying to get a better understanding of this phenomena.

I can totally feel the love for dogs. It’s just that a statement such as “dogs>people” is something I have yet to fully comprehend the reasoning behind.
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I did a complete 180 on dogs the past few years

My whole life I was scared of dogs, I got bodied off my bike by a Dalmatian when I was young. then as i got older the fear went away and I just didn’t really “trust” dogs (maybe that was still fear)
Then I got to know my boys family’s dog. A little chihuahua Pomeranian mix and that was the first time I actually liked and cared for a dog. They went on vacation and I stayed and watched her and I was like oh yeah I can mess with this :lol:

Then my brother got his dog last year and it was on from there and I had to get my own

I was the most anti dog person, hell I might have even posted about it in here
Now I can’t imagine ever not having one
I don’t mean any disrespect man, I love dogs too. I’m just trying to get a better understanding of this phenomena.

It's very much like being around humans. Someone doesn't have to say a single word to you, but you can just tell from the vibes, mannerisms, cues etc of whether or not they **** with you.

Dog's have many many ways of showing affection. (ie. sleeping by your feet, resting their heads on your feet, coming up to you when you're REALLY sad, trying to console you, bringing their favorite toy up to you so you can play, rubbing their face on your leg or face when they're happy, seeing their tail wag uncontrollably when you come home after a long day out, sleeping next to you in bed, when you've left the house and catch them sleeping on a pile of your laundry or waiting for you by the door all day to arrive etc).
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