dogs are only okay.

It’s just that a statement such as “dogs>people” is something I have yet to fully comprehend the reasoning behind.
Exactly and there is Still no explanation after 500 words typed.

Maybe another dog lover can explain what dogs > humans actually means.

I think that’s why people make statements such as “Dogs>People”. A human being can easily tell you to your face that you’re wack.

Dogs don’t have such ability, so people can blindly assume that dogs like them.
So, there seems to be confusion.

Nobody ever said dogs were unable to use non-verbal communication to show appreciation to/for humans. Of course they can, you have to be blind yourself NOT to be able to "see" that.

The point I was making with the, "they can't talk" comment was in reference to us CLAIMING they have unconditional love for us. If someone IS able to VOICE their displeasure to us and tell us what they don't like about us or what we are doing, we will be less likely to blindly assume the depth of their feelings to us.

So it is easy to say, "Dogs have unconditional love for us" but we are making a big assumption with that claim. We have no clue.

I just don't understand why humans are so arrogant to think the human/beast relationship is any LESS transactional than a human/human relationship.

Overall, I just think this, "Dogs love us unconditionally" narrative created by humans is pure bull.
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Yesterday, I had to say goodbye to my dog Leeroy. My dad called me in the morning explaining he wasn't eating and wouldn't get out of his bed. On top of that he just peed on himself and was having a hard time breathing. So I left work early and rushed to the Vet. When I walked in, he was simply laying down on a blanket in the middle of the room and that broke me down immediately. He lifted his head and the moment I sat next to him, to let me know he knew I was there. But it was clear that he was struggling with breathing and he was shaking. So after a discussion with my Dad, we agreed that it would be best for him to finally rest instead of pumping him up with meds hoping he would feel better. I didn't want him to suffer any longer. Before the final moments, I brought my daughter in to say goodbye to Leeroy and to my surprise he stood up immediately and was wagging his tail. For that moment, he looked so happy seeing my daughter even though I knew he was in pain and struggling to stand. I couldn't hold back my tears when my daughter realized Leeroy had a catheter and a wrap on his front leg, she immediately understood that he was hurt and began crying as she was walking out. A few moments later, my Dad returned and agreed it was time. The doctor came in and explained the steps and the proceeded with the medication. I held him until the doctor confirmed that he had passed.

I'm sorry for the long post. Leeroy was the only dog I've ever owned and for the past 13 years brought joy and happiness every time I was with him. So the emotions and my constant thoughts of him have just been on my mind all day. I even checked up on my dad today and he too was having a hard time by sharing that his paw prints were still in the carpet through out the house.


Thanks for letting my vent in this thread. My apologies if it was too long.
Anyone have dog insurance they can recommend?

I need a good one that covers prescriptions
Most of Philly isn't that dog friendly.

Make sure you watch out for Po-Po. They're dicks about dogs out there for some strange reason.
No i know. We brought them in October and it was fine. Thankfully the hotel we stay is super dog friendly and allows you to leave your pups in the rooms unattended. We also have a doggy cam we'll bring with us.
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