Doing stuff DOLO?

This thread is seriously sad. And I'm going to be honest with you because all of this support for being abnormal is not helping your situation. There is NOTHING cool about being an introverted loner with no friends. There is nothing cool about doing dinner, movies, vacations or anything else by yourself. A cool word, i.e. DOLO, doesn't mask the emptiness of your life. If your friends always flake or are never there for you it's one of two things: i) THEY DON'T REALLY LIKE YOU ii) they're just bad people. Instead of looking to NT for embrace of your shortcomings, try looking in the mirror and change for the better. Start being more outgoing, go make some REAL friends, be positive, step away from the computer.

Being introverted is abnormal?

Shut up.
Being introverted is abnormal?
Shut up.
Enjoy your life of solitude and lower earning potential. I'm not trolling, there is no need to get mad. I was like this for a year and realized I was the problem. You guys need to step up and make changes to your life.

1. Realize you might not be as cool as you think you are

2. You might not have ANY real friends, so go make some different ones

3. Be outgoing, step out of your comfort zone

I could go on but you dudes don't want to hear. DOLO dolo dolo.
Enjoy your life of solitude and lower earning potential. I'm not trolling, there is no need to get mad. I was like this for a year and realized I was the problem. You guys need to step up and make changes to your life.

1. Realize you might not be as cool as you think you are
2. You might not have ANY real friends, so go make some different ones
3. Be outgoing, step out of your comfort zone

I could go on but you dudes don't want to hear. DOLO dolo dolo. :rolleyes

You should be more specific in terms of what it is.

In truth, people that can't do things solo are the ones insecured. I can't do movies or fine dinning on my own, but other than that during the work week, I'm by myself. Initially, I was afraid of being solo, but after a while, I didn't care. I didn't want to be w/ the pack, I wanted to be ahead of it.

Being accepted socially gives people security, being alone is the difficult part. So you have it backwards.
Hire me?
I've been my own boss since I was 18 years old.
Nice try, though.
Stop being all hyper-literal. It is no secret that outgoing extroverted people with tons of friends and connections are more successful, marketable, etc.
I've been to two concerts dolo and had a blast both times. I ended up finding groups of people to hang with during the course of the show though, don't know if this is relevant.

I ate at a restaurant dolo for the first time a month ago and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Every time I've seen someone eating alone, they've always looked sad & dejected and I thought that that mood came with it but it doesn't.
Stop being all hyper-literal. It is no secret that outgoing extroverted people with tons of friends and connections are more successful, marketable, etc.

you seem to be confused with shy and introverted....not all introverts are shy / no social skilled people

most of the ppl on these messageboards are introverted ...i like it because i know how to enjoy my time being's a win-win situation...if i have nobody to hang with, i'm 100% fine being alone...if friends wanna hang out, then sweet....for extroverts, they need to be around somebody and go out as much as possible ...when that doesn't happen though...
Stop being all hyper-literal. It is no secret that outgoing extroverted people with tons of friends and connections are more successful, marketable, etc.

No, they really aren't.
hyper don't even waste your time. every post I've seen from this dude is :rolleyes

lets not ruin a good thread. more info on the concerts dolo? all my boys are pretty close minded when it comes to music, always thought about rolling to a show alone
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No, they really aren't.
You know what I hate? People who think they know what they're talking about.
A total of 900 participants completed two personality tests (Revised NEO Personality Inventory; Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and reported their managerial level in their organization. Results showed that conscientiousness, extraversion and MBTI intuition were positively correlated with managerial level, and neuroticism, MBTI introversion and sensing were negatively correlated with managerial level. These findings attest to the utility of personality tests used within the occupational community, for selection and assessment of suitability for promotion to senior managerial roles.

- British Journal of Management, 2007
Understanding how others function is the first step towards having good interpersonal relations in the work environment. Organizations consist of people who differ from one another in almost every dimension possi ble. Diversity certainly is a challenge that is here to stay. To manage the diversity it is of utmost important to understand personality and related behaviour. Equally important is to understand one's own personality type. A study of personality type becomes relevant when we find that an individual's functioning is affected by how he relates to the world (extrovert or introvert), how he processes information (intuition or sensing), evaluates the environment (judging or perceiving) and finally makes decisions (thinking or feeling). In the present article, an attempt has been made to understand personality types and the relationship of different personality types with role efficacy. It was found that the majority of the respondents belonged to the ESTJ (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging) personality type. Between introversion and extroversion, majority of the managers were found to be extroverts.

- Journal of Business Perspective, 2001
I could keep going, but that's more than enough. Here's some advice: if you don't know what you're talking about, shut up and listen
These two posts. Man
describes me to a tee. Im from MI and went down to school in TN by myself. When I first got to college everybody was just chillin with ppl they already knew so that meant I was dolo for the first two weeks. I am now about to be a Junior at this school and I have a bigger network than most people. People ask me how I know so many ppl from different places/walks of life and it is because I dont judge them, I get to know them as a person. The only bad part is ppl who wanna hang all the time and dont realize youre a loner. You cant be scared to be embarrassed or fail guys, doing thins dolo makes you a better person imo bc the people who cant do things dolo then look for you to lead them.
The summer after my freshman year of college, I financed a trip for myself to San Fran and I can say that it was a top 5 decision I ever made. I shopped, stayed at a bed n breakfast joint for 4 days, and just explored that beautiful city. I said F it and I rode a bike across the golden gate bridge dolo, and that ride was really the first time in my mind that everything made sense; I like doing things dolo because my interests are much broader than the average person(ESPECIALLY the average black male) so what is fun to me would not be for someone else.
The only thing about being dolomite thats bad is that I have commitment anxiety. I see the bigger picture that I wanna be a bachelor in a large city after I graduate, and I am psyched out of commitments to girls. I havent quite grasped the whole relationship concept bc I am terrified of being handcuffed to some chick all the time yet Im tired of the old smash n dash. Thats the only thing I need to figure out still.
I just wanna say thanks for this post guys. Ive never needed reassurance but it feels good to know there are ppl like me out there
All this is me in a nutshell, and it feels good, bros..
You know what I hate? People who think they know what they're talking about.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

You're showing me articles from 2001 like I give a **** about them.

I don't care what you are... introvert, extrovert, omnivert.

You can be successful no matter what, you just have to find something that works for you.

Warren Buffett, Steven Spielberg, Steve Wozniak, Daniel Day-Lewis, I can go on for days.

They're all introverts and they're all highly respected and highly successful.

You keep on reading Cosmo and quoting articles from 2001, though.

******g clown.

hyper don't even waste your time. every post I've seen from this dude is :rolleyes

Yea, I don't know why I even bothered.

Shame on me.
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