Don Cornelius is DEAD!?

RIP Love, Peace, and Soul!!!
I don't know how... but i know HE had something to do with this...

Spoiler [+]
He probably couldn't take what was happening to him anymore. He was truly changed the landscape, and was his own man.
completely unexpected, especially the way he went out.
Just goes to show you never know what is going on in someone's
life behind the scenes.
Suicide at that age is wild.... Something had to be eating away at him...I use to love that show as a kid... Sad news .. RIP
Man I guarantee yall that he did not kill himself. Someone shot him.

I have never heard of a man over 50 kill himself. Esp a black man.

He had things lined up to. A behind the scenes documentary of Soul Train. Why would he kill himself before that project?

It doesn't add up. He musta owed somebody some money.

Multiple gun shots heard? Give me a break someone shot this man, how u gonna shoot yourself in the head at 75?

Shoot yourself in the head, miss, then shoot yourself again?

In tribute to Don Cornelius, VH1 is rebroadcasting the doc Soul Train: The Hippest Trip In America this Friday Feb 6th at 9:30PM Eastern Time. This was a really good doc. If you get a chance, dvr or tivo it & watch...
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