Donaghy to appear on 60 minutes

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

With that money he was making off games, he couldn't use a little of it to fix his grill? His teeth are

Apparently he made only 100K altogether, and each game he picked correctly was only netting him like 2K. If this is true, then I do sort of feel sorry for him in an odd way. Dude was batting .750 on his bets and only managed 100K altogether? Then got fired, went to prison, and now has the mob trying to wack him?
Yeah I saw the program. I hear where you're coming from, but in no way, shape, or form do I feel for the dude.
no way he only made 100,000 from the betting...i dont care what anyone tells me if you are a gambling addict you dont put down small sums of money on somethingthat you are so good at.
Originally Posted by aar1002

no way he only made 100,000 from the betting...i dont care what anyone tells me if you are a gambling addict you dont put down small sums of money on something that you are so good at.
I agree with this. I think he said it was over a 4 year span. So he made an average of 25k per year betting on games at a 70-80% clip? Doubtful.
of the major sports, nba is the most shady. donaghy basically touched on a lot of stuff many speculated already (refs bias, nba wanting to stretch out series,nba preferring big market teams like the lakers, etc). the part where he mentioned the mob got really upset because he ejected greg popavich in a gm

steve javie hates ai and rasheed, it's a known fact.

mob=david stern?
Originally Posted by jordan231025

I kinda feel bad for the guy...
I don't. He gave a big eff you to the entire sport of basketball. If the mob ends up taking him out, fine. He deserved it. Who I feel for ishis family.
Yeah that's what I was getting at. He almost cried mentioning he lost his wife and 4 kids over it. That's bigger than any money he's making offbetting. Doubt he thought all the betting would land him where he is now. Truly a sad story...

On a side note, 2,000/game was all?
I believe Donaghy, he's got nothing to lose.

But man, Iverson got a raw deal...NBA refs are shady. This really hurt the NBA, I opinion of the league has certainly gone down and I will doubt many of theoutcomes of games in the playoffs.
David Stern should be happy his league is sitting in third place behind MLB and the NFL in popularity, because if something like this ever happened in the NFL,ESPN would shut down.
David Stern will have Tim assassinated before the show air
The book will expose the everything about the NBA
Originally Posted by KenJi714

David Stern will have Tim assassinated before the show air
The book will expose the everything about the NBA

It already aired.... But damn this is crazy... I love basketball and have played and watched all my life... and AI is my fav player so this just disgustsme.... but Im more of an NFL kind of guy now a days anway... i just catch mainly highlights till its playoff time
yo its pretty obvious the nba is against iverson. i mean right now...dude is only 34 and you telling me no one wants to sign him? lets be serious here. butback to the story, i already knew the nba fixed games, and in this interview, you gotta be an idiot if you believe EVERY word don says. he still covering upstuff. he's just giving bits and pieces of what was going on so the public can open their eyes
I would say Im surprised thats all he said.. but he's got a book to sell.

Check the sig.
Originally Posted by RockDeep

I would say Im surprised thats all he said.. but he's got a book to sell.

Check the sig.

The more I think about, I wouldn't be shocked if the NBA gave him hush money. The interview was supposed to be a bomb shell and if anything ended up makingthe NBA look much cleaner than people assumed when this first came out. The only "damaging" thing he said was something that we all probably couldhave guess anyway: some referees don't like certain players. We all saw Timmy get kicked out of a game for laughing on the bench, so this wasn't ashocking revelation. Maybe Stern figured no one would read the book anyway and TV interviews would be the most dangerous outlet for Donaghy so he slipped him acouple mill to not say anything.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

David Stern should be happy his league is sitting in third place behind MLB and the NFL in popularity, because if something like this ever happened in the NFL, ESPN would shut down.

Im not up on the numbers but the NBA is really trailing MLB in popularity?

NBA markets their individual stars so it seems as tho there is an agenda when it comes to officiating.

Im not buying that he's the lone wolf in this scandal neither
We all knew the NBA fixed games/having favorable calls. Being a Wizards fan I have seen us screwed so many times (always vs the Cavs)
Man the refs really had it out for A.I. during his career. Then they let Kobe get all the calls just so he and the Lakers could make it to the Finals. Thegame is fixed.
I'm truly surprised that Salvatore/AI/Larry Brown vid isn't bigger than it already is. That guy Salvatore is one of the go to guys for the NBA. He getsabout 2 Finals games every year: they consider him the best of the best. And that is what makes me doubt the credibility of the league and am basically sidingwith Donaghy.
man for him to admit what the refs did to iverson, they did him dirty..he was like yup that was a foul, nope i didnt call it

i kinda guessed refs were like that though, personal bias against players and all
outacontrol music wrote:
Lakers/Kobe favoritism


� you act like your boy Lebron and/or the cavs�doesnt?

its funny how you guys straight attack the Lakers...i'll admit we do get the superstar calls but isnt that truth about every sport?...of course everyleague favors their big name guys...hell you guys dont think bird, magic, ewing, barkley and especially jordan never got the "superstar calls" ?...atthe end of the day big name teams and big name guys will always get the favor in their way...thats the shame about pro sports but at the same time this is abusiness
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