Donald Sterling (Clipper's owner) heckling Baron Davis at games

I don't feel bad for Baron because he chased the paycheck without doing his research. On that note I would do whatever it took to get cut and play for another team.
Chris Kaman gets it too....

Clippers owner Donald Sterling is a boss who has no hesitation to criticize his employees.

Earlier in the week we talked about him heckling his point guard Baron Davis from his courtside seat.

While it might have believed that Sterling resented paying $13 million to a guy with a history of injuries, it turns out that Sterling has

other guys on his heckle list.

Center Chris Kaman tells Lisa Dillman of the Los Angeles Times that he has been a target.

Kaman, who is sitting with a bad ankle, says he he hears “all kinds of stuff. Some stuff like, ‘Oh, dunk the ball.’ He owns the team. What do you want me to say? He’s my boss. He signs the check. He owns me. Not really, but you know what I’m saying. My rights to my basketball skills for five years.
Chris Kaman gets it too....

Clippers owner Donald Sterling is a boss who has no hesitation to criticize his employees.

Earlier in the week we talked about him heckling his point guard Baron Davis from his courtside seat.

While it might have believed that Sterling resented paying $13 million to a guy with a history of injuries, it turns out that Sterling has

other guys on his heckle list.

Center Chris Kaman tells Lisa Dillman of the Los Angeles Times that he has been a target.

Kaman, who is sitting with a bad ankle, says he he hears “all kinds of stuff. Some stuff like, ‘Oh, dunk the ball.’ He owns the team. What do you want me to say? He’s my boss. He signs the check. He owns me. Not really, but you know what I’m saying. My rights to my basketball skills for five years.
Donald Sterling has a VERY VERY VERY bad reputation as an NBA owner, players says he be saying racist remarks and all..

Who ever gets Baron Davis will be a better team.. I wish the Miami Heat can get him, but we have nobody to offer in a trade..
Donald Sterling has a VERY VERY VERY bad reputation as an NBA owner, players says he be saying racist remarks and all..

Who ever gets Baron Davis will be a better team.. I wish the Miami Heat can get him, but we have nobody to offer in a trade..
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

That is just absolutely unacceptable.

How Stern allows this guy to continue is beyond me.

What could Stern do though? I'm asking because I really don't know.

It's mind bottling he heckles his OWN players. Like fool, they trying to win games for your team.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

That is just absolutely unacceptable.

How Stern allows this guy to continue is beyond me.

What could Stern do though? I'm asking because I really don't know.

It's mind bottling he heckles his OWN players. Like fool, they trying to win games for your team.
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