Donald Trump is running for president

I missed that skating rink comment

Blco is a piece of work.

-BTW, @Mr Marcus I been meaning to apologize to you for everytime I told you to chill on shading Steezy.

I was wrong, my bad, I'm sorry.
 no problem
I said it was one SMALL example of how he's been effective. They ran a segment about it today on Bloomberg tv which is why I brought it up. If it was so easy, why couldn't the incompetent liberal NYC city government get it done? Trump had to step in after they proved their incompetence.

What has Bernie Sanders ever accomplished in the real world? How many jobs has he created? Zero.

Since you pulled out the "incompetent liberal" card, may I remind you that trump was a liberal when the ice rink was under his operation. He was most successful when his views were liberal. Since 2008 (the year he became a republican), he's virtually accomplished almost nothing.
Look at Bernie Sanders accomplishments (?) throughout his life. Then look at Trumps. Not sure how you can't see the appeal of Trump.

Kinda easy to accomplish things when you have a tremendous headstart.

Basically born on 3rd and think you hit a "home run"
Yea because the millions of illegals in this country who are depressing wages and contributing to record unemployment among low skilled workers and minorities is so humane to US citizens.
So now you care about minorities when your argument is against illegals [emoji]129300[/emoji]
If mass deportation is the job creation plan of the GOP, you're a bigger fool than I thought.

The reality is that the US, with its well-known issues with xenophobia, has become a less attractive destination for would-be immigrants. In addition, the prohibitive cost of education has made potential foreign students look at countries that offer a similar quality of education at a much cheaper price. Moreover, the current administration has deported more illegals than the one before it, AND the number of illegal crossings from south of the border has decreased.
The immigrants that are mostly the subjects of the reforms Obama has tried to implement are those who could establish roots here and who are mostly members of mixed-status families (immediate family members are citizens/permanent residents), and those potentially eligible for an adjustment of status do not have criminal records in this country. Under the current rules, violent criminals are not even eligible for legalization, and I fail to see how that would be possible with immigration reform.

The bigger threat agaisnt American employment is automation, and I have not heard a single candidate mention anything about it. The most common occupation in this country is truck driving, and the implementation of driverless trucks is about to destroy not only the need for human drivers, but also the ancillary services that exist around the profession and which make life in small towns still possible (bed and breakfasts, gas stations, restaurants in the middle of nowhere). When companies talk about bringing manufacturing back to the States, I assume they're thinking about implementing lights-out factories here. How will that help the average American, especially when the cost of education is becoming out of reach for more and more people?
Yea because the millions of illegals in this country who are depressing wages and contributing to record unemployment among low skilled workers and minorities is so humane to US citizens.

I care about every CITIZEN in this country.


Man you're not convincing anyone on NT with that mess.

Every time black people seek justice for anything in this country, you there on the other side trying to downplay the issue

You were the same fool that ignored the DOJ's findings of wide spread racism in the Ferguson police department and was demanding apologies from people because Darren Wilson was proven "innocent" :rolleyes

So please, stop trying to convince black people that the xenophobia being shown by the conservative right is somehow the latest and greatest crumb they want to throw the black community.

Your party is still the party of white supremacy and systemic bias, so miss me, and every single other black person on NT or for that matter the United States wtih that nonsense. :lol:
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Illegals in this country is why most of our fresh produce and food in general is so cheap. Not to mention several other areas where the consumer pays less due to these workers who are harder working and will work for lower wages (and still finding ways to send money back to their families). I think we should send you somewhere for being small brained

Then how did this country survive up until about 1970 when mass illegal immigration started?

Man you're not convincing anyone on NT with that mess.

Every time black people seek justice for anything in this country, you there on the other side trying to downplay the issue

You were the same fool that ignored the DOJ's findings of wide spread racism in the Ferguson police department and was demanding apologies from people because Darren Wilson was proven "innocent" :rolleyes

So please, stop trying to convince black people that the xenophobia being shown by the conservative right is somehow the latest and greatest crumb they want to throw the black community.

Your party is still the party of white supremacy and systemic bias, so miss me, and every single other black person on NT or for that matter the United States wtih that nonsense. :lol:

Ahh the king of deflection is back. I thought you agreed to stop stalking me and slandering me in every single post? Even you realized how obsessed you were with me and said you'd stop. Go away.
Then how did this country survive up until about 1970 when mass illegal immigration started?

That's when mass illegal immigration started? Ok Papi

Like I said, small brain.
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That's when mass illegal immigration started? Ok Papi

Like I said, small brain.

Then you tell me when it started?

The immigration act of 1965 started it. I was off by 5 years. Teddy Kennedy passed that bill to change the demographics of the country for Democrats to get votes and he succeeded.

Man you're not convincing anyone on NT with that mess.

Every time black people seek justice for anything in this country, you there on the other side trying to downplay the issue

You were the same fool that ignored the DOJ's findings of wide spread racism in the Ferguson police department and was demanding apologies from people because Darren Wilson was proven "innocent" :rolleyes

So please, stop trying to convince black people that the xenophobia being shown by the conservative right is somehow the latest and greatest crumb they want to throw the black community.

Your party is still the party of white supremacy and systemic bias, so miss me, and every single other black person on NT or for that matter the United States wtih that nonsense. :lol:

Ahh the king of deflection is back. I thought you agreed to stop stalking me and slandering me in every single post? Even you realized how obsessed you were with me and said you'd stop. Go away.

:smh: :lol:

Dude please, no one is going to believe I would even agree to this so why even bother to lie, huh?

We agreed, mutually, you and me, to stop arguing so much and try to see the other side of the coin.

Since then, you have completely failed to live up to you end of the bargain, so I feel totally free to call out the foolishness you decide to post.
:smh: :lol:

Dude please, no one is going to believe I would even agree to this so why even bother to lie, huh?

We agreed, mutually, you and me, to stop arguing so much and try to see the other side of the coin.

Since then, you have completely failed to live up to you end of the bargain, so I feel totally free to call out the foolishness you decide to post.

When have you ever held up your end of the bargain? Lol you're delusional. Plus I always ignore you anyway and never respond to your foolishness. I ignore you, you stalk me.
:smh: :lol:

Dude please, no one is going to believe I would even agree to this so why even bother to lie, huh?

We agreed, mutually, you and me, to stop arguing so much and try to see the other side of the coin.

Since then, you have completely failed to live up to you end of the bargain, so I feel totally free to call out the foolishness you decide to post.

When have you ever held up your end of the bargain? Lol you're delusional. Plus I always ignore you anyway and never respond to your foolishness. I ignore you, you stalk me.

No one is stalking you genius, we both post in political thread a lot. :lol:

And if you're ignoring me, why did you quote me then hmmmmm.

You just love to play the victim when someone directly calls you out.
No one is stalking you genius, we both post in political thread a lot. :lol:

And if you're ignoring me, why did you quote me then hmmmmm.

You just love to play the victim when someone directly calls you out.

I have been ignoring you for months but you implied I'm racist once again and I had enough.
No one is stalking you genius, we both post in political thread a lot. :lol:

And if you're ignoring me, why did you quote me then hmmmmm.

You just love to play the victim when someone directly calls you out.

I have been ignoring you for months but you implied I'm racist once again and I had enough.

I didn't imply anything.

I just stated facts about something you did, and called out the GOP's xenophobic rhetoric.

PLENTY of dudes on NT have called you a racist and white supremacist, and instead of pausing for a second and thinking "Hmmm I wonder why so many people have labelled me these it the things I say?" , you instead play victim and throw tantrums acting like they are just trying to slander you for no reason.

Grow Up.
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I didn't imply anything.

I just stated facts about something you did, and called out the GOP's xenophobic rhetoric.

Plenty of dudes on NT have called you a racist and white supremacist, and instead of pausing for a second and thinking "Hmmm I wonder why so many people have labelled me these things" , you play

victim and throw tantrums acting like they are just trying to slander you for no reason.

Grow Up.

Plenty of far left wing, radical, racist, unfair, ignorant people have called me racist because it's the favorite smear tactic of the left. You can't intimidate me into being a liberal Democrat sheep like 99% of NT is. Grow up. Be respectful of others who don't think like you.
I didn't imply anything.

I just stated facts about something you did, and called out the GOP's xenophobic rhetoric.

Plenty of dudes on NT have called you a racist and white supremacist, and instead of pausing for a second and thinking "Hmmm I wonder why so many people have labelled me these things" , you play

victim and throw tantrums acting like they are just trying to slander you for no reason.

Grow Up.

Plenty of far left wing, radical, racist, unfair, ignorant people have called me racist because it's the favorite smear tactic of the left. You can't intimidate me into being a liberal Democrat sheep like 99% of NT is. Grow up. Be respectful of others who don't think like you.

So a ton of people call you a something, and you defense to that is that the problem is not with you, it is with the overwhelming majority

Ok papi :smh: :lol:

Ever heard the saying if you meet and a-hole at 7am in the morning, you met an a-hole at 7am in the morning

But if you met a-holes all through out the day, wake up, you're the a-hole.

Not calling you names or anything :lol:, so relax pa. Just think you should take that saying to heart and let it marinate in your head for a little bit

-BTW, I am respectful. I have never gotten a single warning for anything I have ever said about you, I have never broken NT's rules.

But you don't want people to be respectful, you want them to be nice/friendly to you, but sorry I'm not going to be nice to someone who post the ignorant things you have posted on NT. Neither are any of the other educate, free thinking, liberal leaning members of NT
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That's when mass illegal immigration started? Ok Papi

Like I said, small brain.

Then you tell me when it started?

The immigration act of 1965 started it. I was off by 5 years. Teddy Kennedy passed that bill to change the demographics of the country for Democrats to get votes and he succeeded.

Conspiracy theorist alert!

How does that even make sense? Culturally, immigrants tend to have more conservative tendencies, which would make them natural republicans (tight with their money, hard workers, religious, family-oriented).

The GOP is losing the demographics with a deep immigration history because the party is choosing to vilify those people in order to appeal to the far-right base.
So a ton of people call you a something, and you defense to that is that the problem is not with you, it is with the overwhelming majority

Ok papi :smh: :lol:

Ever heard the saying if you meet and a-hole at 7am in the morning, you met an a-hole at 7am in the morning

But if you met a-holes all through out the day, wake up, you're the a-hole.

Not calling you names or anything :lol:, so relax pa. Just think you should take that saying to heart and let it marinate in your head for a little bit

-BTW, I am respectful. I have never gotten a single warning for anything I have ever said about you, I have never broken NT's rules.

But you don't want people to be respectful, you want them to be nice/friendly to you, but sorry I'm not going to be nice to someone who post the ignorant things you have posted on NT. Either are any of the other educate, free thinking, liberal members of NT

You claim you didn't imply that I'm racist but yet you're once again calling me racist. You do realize that there are more conservative people than liberal people in the us right? So everyone in the us who considers themselves conservative is racist? Your philosophy is in the minority in the us, not mine.
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