Don't lie..who use to be scared of this ugly looking dude as kid? vol. it's just funny now lol

I'm on my phone, but I knew what it was in only two seconds of the video playing.

And to answer your question, yes.
Chill, the Are You Afraid of The Dark? theme song has caused my mother to buy so many new pairs of underwear as a kid because I would soil it every Saturday night
All those shows made me nervous as hell.
Damn cryptkeeper got me everytime, even though I knew he was coming haha.
Used to freak me out cause he would always show up on random *%@ shows haha.
, I used to close my eyes during the intro of Are You Afraid of the Dark because of that damn clown.
Nah I loved this show. I really miss it. Man, you took me back. Crypt Keeper commenting on the episodes before and after were so cool.

He was creepy but I was never scared of him.
lol, Goosebumps? WEAK. now this is scary, had me sleeping with the covers over my head when I was 8.  The host plus the music gives me the shivers, still refuse to watch it now.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

The crypt-keeper never scared me, some of the stories did.
THIS. Same here, some of the stories with weird twists always got me.
Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

he used still to terrify me

i didnt even click i video and i knew. im not gonna relive the horrors from my childhood lol
when i seen the title the first person or thing if you will that popped into my mind was this MF...used to creep me TF out
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Yup, along with


Lot of sleepless nights as a kid.

I still remember the nightmare i had like 10 years ago with the dummy from goosebumps 
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