Dress Code question for job interview?

Mar 20, 2004
I have an interview for a data entry(clerical)job for a law firm.. Can i wear dress pants and nice shirt, more like a casual dress code? i dont like shirts,ties and jacket kind of clothing..
Its an interview... dress to impress... let them kno you mean business and stand out from the rest of the spplicants
I would do the works: suit, shirt, tie, shiny black shoes..
You can bet that everyone in the law firm will be dressed like that so do your part and dress for the job that you want!
Seriously, overdress.. Never underdress..
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I would do the works: suit, shirt, tie, shiny black shoes..
You can bet that everyone in the law firm will be dressed like that so do your part and dress for the job that you want!
Seriously, overdress.. Never underdress..

that's always a good rule of thumb. They'll know you're really interested in the position and care to look your best even if you are way overdressed
wear a suit, dont hold back
just make sure the suit is either navy blue (some kind of dark blue) or greyish
remember communicatioin starts with the appearance
i went to an interview this morning,i wore a white dress shirt, a black/grey/white tie, some black dress pants and the stealth 23's.
my interview was held in the storage section of a food lion. they were remodeling and the construction workers were all around me, hammers hammering,buzzsaw's sawing, computers 'putin, all that goin on all around me, i was surprised dude could here me talking.

evenutally the construction workers sat down beside me right in the middle of my interview and ate their lunch. it was my first interview ever, i got the jobtho. nothing serious just for some change before school starts.

but i cant believe i got dressed up for that.
why not black, Can i wear black pants? So if i see others wearing more casual clothes after the interview, and if i get hired i dont gotta wear it againright?
i remember going to an interview and where they said casual, but i still got dressed up, but didnt put on a tie

got some nice compliments on the shoes and vest
sadly, i didnt land this job...

but overdress and be on the safe side, unless they said it was okay to be casual
i interview people all the time at a Biotech company, after all the candidates have interviewed, not once during the round table discussions with theinterviewers do we discuss how that person was dressed. all we care about are the people's character, qualifications, their potential and whether they canmeet the needs of the position.

so I'm not saying to go there wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but getting decked out in an Armani suit and some $200 dress shoes is not going to help you getthe job either. just wear something you feel comfortable in and is presentable in a professional setting.
i guess i'll wear the shirt and tie, and see what happens after the interview goes.. Hopefully its a casual code for the clerical positions

At my current job i wear dress pants , and (knit) shirts short sleeve and long depending on weather!!
Dressing up will not garuntee (sp) you the position, but not dressing up can cost you the position.
because if the interviewer is allergic or if they think you're going to spray yourself down everyday they won't want you.

just apply at mcdonalds, they have a casual dress code. grow up.
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Anytime you got to ask you don't need to wear it.

I have an interview at an investment banking/brokeerage firm on monday. The recruiter specifically told me that they are very conservative and want me to weara dark color suit & a white shirt with button down collar. I would recommend this to anyone who takes interviews serious regardless of what you'reinterviewing for
for an office job...pants, dress shirt, and a tie at minimum

and i dont care what anyone on NT says, DO NOT WEAR A BOW TIE to the interview
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