Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Just curious, do any of your friends dress in the same manner/fashion as you? I just noticed that my friends dress in wide range of ways from oversized jerseys and jean shorts to street wear to oversized suit jackets, jeans, and square toed shoes. None of my friends really dress similar to me. Also do any of you try to offer help or advice or do you think that will come accross too judgemental or be received in a negative way? I know fashion is subjective but I think we can all agree that there are basic guidelines or "rules" that should be heeded. It is definitely beneficial to be the best dressed person in your group.
It's going to be rare to have friends that are into this stuff unless you met them from a fashion board or group of some sort.

Due to my schedule, I rarely have time to hang out. (Admittedly, this is why I'm usually active on weekend nights, when I'm doing school work on my down time). When we do, I usually still stand out among my friends, though not to the naked eye. This means that I don't wear a suit and tie to go grab a bite to eat and watch dinner with my boys. Just usually jeans, sports shirt or t shirt. However, everything is in proportion and not ill fitting.

Fashion/style is a hobby and not everyone is into it. When you stand out of the norm, you attract attention, both positively and negatively. If people choose to think of you negatively because you dress nice...that's beyond your control. A friend of mine told me "you look like a butthole with your chinos rolled up, and your slim fitting shirt". I replied with "oh, and you don't with your A&F t shirt pulling up to a stop light in a Ferrari bumping trance music?"

I truly dress for myself. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. Most people do compliment me, from my professors to colleagues at work. And a few try to take side shots at me and question my sexuality. You shouldn't let minute things like this phase you, my man. I know I don't. I just worry about myself and bettering myself.

Some folks do ask for tips and I'm always happy to help them with all that i can. However, I don't offer advices because like I mentioned, not everyone is into this fashion/style thing.


Did they pull a Boozer on Lebron's hairline on this one?
Thanks to whoever recommended Kiehl's for skin care. Ended up buying a trial package at Saks. Came with the Face Fuel facial wash, moisturizer, shaving gel, and body scrub. The lady also threw in a ton of samples, the toner is really nice. Def going to buy the full sized of everything once this is gone
I thought this was going to be from GQ, but I checked out the link and it said Nike sportswear.

Nike is really smart to take advantage of that market. I see women wearing fitness clothes while lounging and running errands, with brands like Gap jumping on board. I haven't seen too many, if any for men yet.
I'm not really hip to the whole Goth ninja trend. I think a lot of it is really dope though.
This stuff from Zam Barrett is nice, I would wear everything.





^Those aren't that bad. When I think of goth ninja, I think of super long slouchy t shirt and skirt, with leggings under.

I've only seen that stuff worn in person once, and it was by a salesman at Barneys :lol:
It's going to be rare to have friends that are into this stuff unless you met them from a fashion board or group of some sort.
Due to my schedule, I rarely have time to hang out. (Admittedly, this is why I'm usually active on weekend nights, when I'm doing school work on my down time). When we do, I usually still stand out among my friends, though not to the naked eye. This means that I don't wear a suit and tie to go grab a bite to eat and watch dinner with my boys. Just usually jeans, sports shirt or t shirt. However, everything is in proportion and not ill fitting.
Fashion/style is a hobby and not everyone is into it. When you stand out of the norm, you attract attention, both positively and negatively. If people choose to think of you negatively because you dress nice...that's beyond your control. A friend of mine told me "you look like a butthole with your chinos rolled up, and your slim fitting shirt". I replied with "oh, and you don't with your A&F t shirt pulling up to a stop light in a Ferrari bumping trance music?"
I truly dress for myself. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. Most people do compliment me, from my professors to colleagues at work. And a few try to take side shots at me and question my sexuality. You shouldn't let minute things like this phase you, my man. I know I don't. I just worry about myself and bettering myself.
Some folks do ask for tips and I'm always happy to help them with all that i can. However, I don't offer advices because like I mentioned, not everyone is into this fashion/style thing.

I can't tell you how true everything you said is. I've mentioned it before but the men at work, most of them at least, tend to always make some kind of sideways remark about the way I dress. What it demonstrates is their own insecurities and this belief that you are trying to upstage them by dressing better than they do. I think many of my co-workes legitimately think they dress well. I'm not saying they dress poorly as I do think mostly all of my co-workers dress really professionally. Most of the men could honestly just simply use a lesson on how things fit as most are wearing clothing about 2 sizes too big and why they shouldn't wear squared toe shoes.

Much like Wis has said, I dress for myself but I partly dress for my wife as well. Before anyone starts forming an opinion on this, let me explain. My wife is probably one of the most stylish, well put together people, not just woman, I have ever known. She has always dressed extremely well and has understood the importance of fit ever since I've met her. Still being in the t-shirt and baggy jeans and sneakers, eventually to me began to bother me, because I simply felt that not only did I deserve to look well put together but so did she. I still get crap for it at work, but it's interesting at the compliments you do get. Mostly the women compliment but some of the guys have actually asked for tips and even started incorporating items into their wardrobes that they weren't before, such as proper shoes...lol. At the end of the day all that matters is that you feel good about the way you look.
^Those aren't that bad. When I think of goth ninja, I think of super long slouchy t shirt and skirt, with leggings under.
I've only seen that stuff worn in person once, and it was by a salesman at Barneys :lol:

I think why I like it so much is because I love blacks and greys. And combine that with a lot of the cuts, it just looks great.
Just curious, do any of your friends dress in the same manner/fashion as you? I just noticed that my friends dress in wide range of ways from oversized jerseys and jean shorts to street wear to oversized suit jackets, jeans, and square toed shoes. None of my friends really dress similar to me. Also do any of you try to offer help or advice or do you think that will come accross too judgemental or be received in a negative way? I know fashion is subjective but I think we can all agree that there are basic guidelines or "rules" that should be heeded. It is definitely beneficial to be the best dressed person in your group.
I have a Navy buddy that lives an hour outside of Houston, what we would call the "country". They don't have access to fashion like big city peps. I just let him cook. We went to a night club an they made him tuck his shirt. He got upset and asked me why didn't they make me tuck in my shirt. Needless to say he was rocking one of those Cavi Military inspired shirts 2 sizes too big. I had on a slim fitting button down.
I think why I like it so much is because I love blacks and greys. And combine that with a lot of the cuts, it just looks great.
You also need to have the physique for it. It only looks good if you're super frail, like if you turn sideways, you'll disappear :lol:
Thanks to whoever recommended Kiehl's for skin care. Ended up buying a trial package at Saks. Came with the Face Fuel facial wash, moisturizer, shaving gel, and body scrub. The lady also threw in a ton of samples, the toner is really nice. Def going to buy the full sized of everything once this is gone

Definitely gotta co-sign on Kiehls. Their products go on very nicely and my face doesn't get weighed down by a greasy feel.
^^^ Nike makes some nice stuff but their prices are ridiculous with no merit. Quality is laughable at times
Most definitely. Quality is shoddy for sure I know already. I didn't expect to be that high in price though. A varsity jacket from Nike I would think should be around $200. If a lot higher then it's too high. I think their target is the high school and undergrad crowd and have to factor in their incomes accordingly.
I can't tell you how true everything you said is. I've mentioned it before but the men at work, most of them at least, tend to always make some kind of sideways remark about the way I dress. What it demonstrates is their own insecurities and this belief that you are trying to upstage them by dressing better than they do. I think many of my co-workes legitimately think they dress well. I'm not saying they dress poorly as I do think mostly all of my co-workers dress really professionally. Most of the men could honestly just simply use a lesson on how things fit as most are wearing clothing about 2 sizes too big and why they shouldn't wear squared toe shoes.
Much like Wis has said, I dress for myself but I partly dress for my wife as well. Before anyone starts forming an opinion on this, let me explain. My wife is probably one of the most stylish, well put together people, not just woman, I have ever known. She has always dressed extremely well and has understood the importance of fit ever since I've met her. Still being in the t-shirt and baggy jeans and sneakers, eventually to me began to bother me, because I simply felt that not only did I deserve to look well put together but so did she. I still get crap for it at work, but it's interesting at the compliments you do get. Mostly the women compliment but some of the guys have actually asked for tips and even started incorporating items into their wardrobes that they weren't before, such as proper shoes...lol. At the end of the day all that matters is that you feel good about the way you look.
Same goes both ways, Serg. A friend of mine was trying to set me up with some of her friends a while back. I went on a couple of dates with them, great girls...med student, pre law, etc. But they were looking for a guy who was more of a t shirt, jeans, and sneakers (AKA low maintenance). It was all good, not like I was going to K-Fed them and have them pay for my wardrobe :lol:
Same goes both ways, Serg. A friend of mine was trying to set me up with some of her friends a while back. I went on a couple of dates with them, great girls...med student, pre law, etc. But they were looking for a guy who was more of a t shirt, jeans, and sneakers (AKA low maintenance). It was all good, not like I was going to K-Fed them and have them pay for my wardrobe :lol:

very true indeed as well too. I'm taken so I don't have to worry about it anymore lol
I want to get your opinion on some stuff i bought , but i dont know how to post pictures, how can i ?

I do so by uploading my pictures to an image hosting site (photo bucket) however I think there is a way to do so through here by clicking on your profile name and scrolling down and uploading pictures there.
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