Dressing Better Vol 2.0

It's going to be rare to have friends that are into this stuff unless you met them from a fashion board or group of some sort.
Due to my schedule, I rarely have time to hang out. (Admittedly, this is why I'm usually active on weekend nights, when I'm doing school work on my down time). When we do, I usually still stand out among my friends, though not to the naked eye. This means that I don't wear a suit and tie to go grab a bite to eat and watch dinner with my boys. Just usually jeans, sports shirt or t shirt. However, everything is in proportion and not ill fitting.
Fashion/style is a hobby and not everyone is into it. When you stand out of the norm, you attract attention, both positively and negatively. If people choose to think of you negatively because you dress nice...that's beyond your control. A friend of mine told me "you look like a butthole with your chinos rolled up, and your slim fitting shirt". I replied with "oh, and you don't with your A&F t shirt pulling up to a stop light in a Ferrari bumping trance music?"
I truly dress for myself. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. Most people do compliment me, from my professors to colleagues at work. And a few try to take side shots at me and question my sexuality. You shouldn't let minute things like this phase you, my man. I know I don't. I just worry about myself and bettering myself.
Some folks do ask for tips and I'm always happy to help them with all that i can. However, I don't offer advices because like I mentioned, not everyone is into this fashion/style thing.

I can't tell you how true everything you said is. I've mentioned it before but the men at work, most of them at least, tend to always make some kind of sideways remark about the way I dress. What it demonstrates is their own insecurities and this belief that you are trying to upstage them by dressing better than they do. I think many of my co-workes legitimately think they dress well. I'm not saying they dress poorly as I do think mostly all of my co-workers dress really professionally. Most of the men could honestly just simply use a lesson on how things fit as most are wearing clothing about 2 sizes too big and why they shouldn't wear squared toe shoes.

Much like Wis has said, I dress for myself but I partly dress for my wife as well. Before anyone starts forming an opinion on this, let me explain. My wife is probably one of the most stylish, well put together people, not just woman, I have ever known. She has always dressed extremely well and has understood the importance of fit ever since I've met her. Still being in the t-shirt and baggy jeans and sneakers, eventually to me began to bother me, because I simply felt that not only did I deserve to look well put together but so did she. I still get crap for it at work, but it's interesting at the compliments you do get. Mostly the women compliment but some of the guys have actually asked for tips and even started incorporating items into their wardrobes that they weren't before, such as proper shoes...lol. At the end of the day all that matters is that you feel good about the way you look.
Honestly when I hear a majority of cats on the they insecure cause they talking about me are usually just as insecure if not more. Most times is nothing more than somebody thinking you dress funny, corny, whatever to them and its funny to them. Just like you feel the same way about how they dress going by your comments. Thats what it is nothing more or less a majority of the time.
jcrew/APC/clarks desert boot

i was thinking about pairing it with this RL light jacket.. what do you guys think?

You also need to have the physique for it. It only looks good if you're super frail, like if you turn sideways, you'll disappear :lol:

Not even slightly true. The guy who made Zam Barret (I believe it's the black dude) model his clothes and dude is far from frail.
Rick Owens pretty much makes his clothes for people who works out like crazy, he even says that working out is primary and the clothes is secondary.
This dude Kunk from SF is far from skinny and he wears Rick Owens all the time and pulls it off well.

If that's your style, looks good to me. I personally don't like the big polo on the jacket. I also would unbutton one more button on the shirt. Good fading on the APC.
Not even slightly true. The guy who made Zam Barret (I believe it's the black dude) model his clothes and dude is far from frail.
Rick Owens pretty much makes his clothes for people who works out like crazy, he even says that working out is primary and the clothes is secondary.
This dude Kunk from SF is far from skinny and he wears Rick Owens all the time and pulls it off well.

I'm well aware of Kunk. While it looks good in pictures, I have a hard time seeing it look good in person. I can't picture a 6'+ built guy dressed like that. There's another member on SF that fits the aesthetic better in my eyes, his name escapes me at the moment. He is a small and skinny fella. On the same token, I know nothing about the designers nor the brands, everything is based from the pictures I've seen so take it for what it is.
You also need to have the physique for it. It only looks good if you're super frail, like if you turn sideways, you'll disappear :lol:

Not even slightly true. The guy who made Zam Barret (I believe it's the black dude) model his clothes and dude is far from frail.
Rick Owens pretty much makes his clothes for people who works out like crazy, he even says that working out is primary and the clothes is secondary.
This dude Kunk from SF is far from skinny and he wears Rick Owens all the time and pulls it off well.

Well, at least he looks happy.
I'm well aware of Kunk. While it looks good in pictures, I have a hard time seeing it look good in person. I can't picture a 6'+ built guy dressed like that. There's another member on SF that fits the aesthetic better in my eyes, his name escapes me at the moment. He is a small and skinny fella. On the same token, I know nothing about the designers nor the brands, everything is based from the pictures I've seen so take it for what it is.

Most of these items looks much, much better in person. The quality, the texture and whole looks is just multiplied in person. Like that brown hammered lamb jacket, you can't capture how awesome it is until you handle it in person. It really depends on the person wearing it and how you put it together.

Again, I believe this is the guy who makes Zam Barrett and he models the clothes himself too and he isn't frail at all.
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Well, at least he looks happy.

:lol: That is just how he is in pics, it's funny because he did get crapped on about looking unhappy in his pics. I think some people just isn't the smiling type, especially when your taking pics to post online for your e-friends.
:lol: That is just how he is in pics, it's funny because he did get crapped on about looking unhappy in his pics. I think some people just isn't the smiling type, especially when your taking pics to post online for your e-friends.
Only on SF would a 5'5'' 100 lbs frail kid be able to pick on a 6'+ guy that's 220 lbs. I think a lot of these dudes have anger issues in real life, and take it out online through unjustified criticism, not even constructively.
Only on SF would a 5'5'' 100 lbs frail kid be able to pick on a 6'+ guy that's 220 lbs. I think a lot of these dudes have anger issues in real life, and take it out online through unjustified criticism, not even constructively.

Nah, it was all in jest. It's like teasing your best friend for getting a terrible haircut. None of it is really that serious, like use making fun of KSteezy and his Toms, it's all just for fun for the most part.
Most of these items looks much, much better in person. The quality, the texture and whole looks is just multiplied in person. Like that brown hammered lamb jacket, you can't capture how awesome it is until you handle it in person. It really depends on the person wearing it and how you put it together.
Again, I believe this is the guy who makes Zam Barrett and he models the clothes himself too and he isn't frail at all.

Yup it's him. I'm really interested in purchasing some of his stuff. Don't know too many places that carry it though
real life...

how does topman clothing fit?

thinking of copping a polo or two, a button up and some skinny chinos

any insight on the fit?
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real life...

how does topman clothing fit?

thinking of copping a polo or two, a button up and some skinny chinos

any insight on the fit?
If the chinos fit anything like their dress pants, it's actually a skinny fit. Slightly slimmer than 511's, but not really tapered down the ankles. Personally, I love it. No experience with their shirts, though.
real life...
how does topman clothing fit?
thinking of copping a polo or two, a button up and some skinny chinos
any insight on the fit?

Bought a suit from them last year. Jacket fit nearly flawless but a little high in the armpits. Pants we're cut somewhere between skinny and straight leg. Thigh area cwould be tight if you're an athlete. I'd definitely hit the fitting room first IMO.
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