Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Buttons are too small. That's my one gripe when it comes to pea coats. Might look good shape/material wise but when the buttons are too small it throws everything off.
Got this NSW Destroyer pea coat as a gift from Nike last year. Had my Ty logo done up in chenille and slapped it on.

Ty is notorious for having stuff that will never drop. :smh:
When are you doing another regularolty sweater and bowtie release
UM pretty sure that peacock destroyer dropped....they were at a nike store in LA earlier in the year and i see some on ebay.
Thanks...I think I am going to pick one up.

They were in a few stores last December, kinda vanished pretty fast. They're true to size and actually pretty warm. Retail on them was $500. This one here is the business. Been checking eBay for this one on the reg. This one came out the Fall 2010. There's an all black XL on eBay for $400.
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IMO peacoats shouldn't be hybrid'ed if that makes any sense....that varsity/peacoat look just looks odd to me...but thats my opinion.
IMO peacoats shouldn't be hybrid'ed if that makes any sense....that varsity/peacoat look just looks odd to me...but thats my opinion.
Honestly without hybridization things would be boring and typical .I mean who wants to see the same basic essential made time and time again.
My US Navy peacoat is the best peacoat I have ever owned. I have had now for 13 yrs. I remember using it to lay a girl on her back in Japan. She messed up the outside with her love juice. I had to wear it to formation an hour later. Told my LT it was mayo. Took it to the cleaners and it cleaned right up. Everytime someone brings up peacoats I think of the stuff I did in it. I won't wear it to church for the fear that it may burst into flames.
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Honestly without hybridization things would be boring and typical .I mean who wants to see the same basic essential made time and time again.

i get it and i agree, but IMO certain things, like a peacoat, should be left alone....personally i looovveeeee the whole Lunargrand thing ColeHaan pulled with Nike....so im not totally against mixing different things, but a peacoat doesnt get a pass in my book....
My J. Crew Factory bag and Woolrich Jacket/Hoodie came in today. Also, sneaker entry #2:



Close up of the 574s:


I like the fit of this jacket. Also, the bag is very nice for what I paid for it ($42). Hopefully it holds up well over time.

In regards to peacoats, I'm still trying to look for one that fits well. I tried on the J. Crew Bayswater last year and hated how boxy it looked on me. Will try the one at Target next time I get a chance.
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I rocked a fitted MItchell and Ness Oilers Gretzky jersey with a cardigan tonight and it worked well; maybe I will start a trend that spreads :lol:
HHornet: looks good, man. I dig!

Casual friday, first time wearing the W&B camo sweater from J. Crew. Also another sneaker entry:

It will most likely be e-commerce. I appreciate your 2 cents. It will be done on a side at first. I thought about this many times, and I know it is an uphill battle. Even if I fail, I know I will still learn a lot. I try to forget about it because I can make a comfy living of $150k+ working the typical 40-50 hours a week as is. But I want to pursue, if not for anything else (assuming the brand fails)...just for my own enjoyment and learning.
There are a couple of folks in the scene with their own brands that I learn from, but of course they will only tell me so much. I will post more when time permits. Train of thought is not at 100% while at work.
I also know the 20/80 rule. Funny that this rule has so many different intepretations.

Not sure what you do but if you're piling 150 stacks, starting a brand would be on the last on my mind. But that 80/20 rule, out of all the brands I've ever worked with, it couldn't be more true.

Why the folks you know won't divulge information is beyond me but information is pretty easy to access. When LA market rolls to town, just cruise around some of the showrooms. Some will be open to the public, the majors you'll need appointments for.

Marketing is king. Product comes second.

edit: not sure if $150 is worth it for a 70% acrylic sweater, but clean nonetheless. Not my steez but clean. It'll eventually get marked down heavy by January anyway.
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Heads up you guys, I have an Clothing line on its way. Designed ALL by me. Just a side hobby. Will see how well it does. Coming January 2013.
Thanks Wj4.. The guy from my tailor.com happened to be in my town today so I met up with him and order two shirts. Let's see how that turns out :smokin
Not sure what you do but if you're piling 150 stacks, starting a brand would be on the last on my mind. But that 80/20 rule, out of all the brands I've ever worked with, it couldn't be more true.
Why the folks you know won't divulge information is beyond me but information is pretty easy to access. When LA market rolls to town, just cruise around some of the showrooms. Some will be open to the public, the majors you'll need appointments for.
Marketing is king. Product comes second.
edit: not sure if $150 is worth it for a 70% acrylic sweater, but clean nonetheless. Not my steez but clean. It'll eventually get marked down heavy by January anyway.
$150k is not that farfetched in almost any given field in the L.A. area. A lot of my friends, even the lazy ones are at $90-100k at the late 20s-early 30s age bracket. That would put you at a solid upper middle class at best, considering a 1,500 sq home in my area is $400k even in this market.

I've already stated that the sweater's composition is mediocre at best, I bought it for the design and fit. If we are talking about Shetland wool or cashmere from a renowned mill then I would gladly pay over double the price, and have before.

I plan to, my man. Time is just a factor right now. Between school and work, I rarely have time to do anything else for leisure purposes.

And yes, I know marketing is an extreme component. It's the reason why a lot of sub par brands shine.
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