Dressing Better Vol 2.0

What does that even mean :rofl:
If we go by your theory than NOONE has a sense of fashion...we all get inpiration for someone or something...btw I've been dressing like this for some time in case that was directed towards me.
I dig the haircut, Ksteezy!

Edit: PS you shouldn't feel like you have to defend your style, my man. You developed your own style that you're comfortable in, that's enough. Let the haters hate.
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Hope im not sounding to corny or w.e... but i just graduated high school and mid way through senior year... i wanted to change my wardrobe... to something a little more preppy but nothing crazy... i still love matching... still love sneakers... but the whole "high school swag" died for me.... I plan on buying a few shoes i liked from Aldo... any stores recommended? appreciate it
I'm not sure how high school kids dress nowadays, but if it's still "street wear" t shirts with tight fitting jeans that sagged severely with 'heat on the feet', you can drastically improve just by getting clothes that fit and accentuate your physique.

Sport shirts and chinos can be incorporated into tons of sneakers, as well as sweaters and cardigans and unstructured jackets.

J. Crew and Banana Republic, as well as other mall brands like Zara, H&M, Uniqlo will do you justice.
fit is pretty nice bama but you gotta keep your tie width in proportion to your lapels. cop something slimmer

but why is someone to judge his fit? in a year that could be a trend; to each their own IMO

people who dress to their liking (whether it looks good or not) > people who feel like they must play a part
but why is someone to judge his fit? in a year that could be a trend; to each their own IMO
people who dress to their liking (whether it looks good or not) > people who feel like they must play a part
One of the purposes of the thread is to share point of views/advices. Whether Bama (or anyone else) takes the advice is up to the respective individual. The mission of the thread is to assist one to develop his own style.
These are so clean.

For cousin graduation
Bama, Nice fit man. I have to agree with the tie width. Question? Is that a white shirt? Also, info on the shoes.
I disagree with the tie width only because i think with this outfit it gives it an almost retro feel, if that makes sense..  

also i think larger tie with skinnier lapel is much better than a skinny tie with big peak lapels.. 
I disagree with the tie width only because i think with this outfit it gives it an almost retro feel, if that makes sense..  

also i think larger tie with skinnier lapel is much better than a skinny tie with big peak lapels.. 
It's not awful (outfit is good overall and the tie doesn't ruin it IMO) but it definitely is out of proportion.  Narrow lapel plus a wide tie w/ small tie clip throws it off.  I agree that it looks better than a skinny tie with big peak lapels but there's a happy medium.
What's your views on the fat knots or double windsor knots in ties? I dont go with style on my spread shirts. Am I doing it wrong?

This is what I'm talking about.
Atrocious. I always see them rocking this every time I turn ESPN on. They must be going for the quadruple windsor knot. On a cutaway collar or spread collar, just go with a full windsor when possible, it with lighter materials...simply clean. If you're rocking a heavier weight tie, like a wool one or knit, a regular would suffice.

This looks sharp:

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Appreciate it... You pretty much summed up the high school look lol... Going shopping Monday or Tuesday in SoHo... I'll post a few pics here and there...
My first pair of shoes I planned on purchasing were these... as I save up my paychecks... I plan on getting some loafers as well... nothing too crazy though...
I would appreciate a link to perhaps a shirt and type of jeans that would be a good look for these. I am 5'10 about 155 pounds
You should go for a slim fitting silhouette. You're pretty much my specs, except I'm 5'9'' also at 155 lbs.

I personally think those shoes are ugly, but they are easy to wear. A fitted t shirt. Go to a local J. Crew and try a size small in their t shirts. Go get some Levi's 511 line chinos or denim. Inseam of around 30" if you want a clean finish, or go up to 32" if you want a bit of stacking. Don't sag, I know it's hard to do at first, but you get used to them. I used to sag my pants down to my crotch in high school, with a 2-3XL size shirt :lol:
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pumpfake, Bass Weejuns are a good alternative in terms of loafers. Those Swims posted above are pretty unique. For some reason, they remind me of Native shoes in terms of taking a classic design and making them more casual.


I wear my Weejun penny loafers quite often with chinos (Alpha Khakis, which are awesome btw). I also thought of TSB's piece they did a while ago on loafers being timeless classics.




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