Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Any suggestions on a nice shoulder bag?

Looking for something on the smaller side. Something that'll fit a 32 oz ironflask and lunch daily, but also nice enough to take on trips and whatnot.
I wonder how much they're selling the building for?

They shouldn't be able to do any sort of sales right now, it's most likely up to the creditors to accept the value the administrator gave it in the inventory they made once they went into administration (Chapter XI in the US)

i used to pass by this spot all the time. i remember one sale they had was the craziest **** i've ever seen. women were going nuts grabbing everything. told my chick i would never go in there again with her. oxford circus is a fitting name.
isn't the london school of fashion on oxford street too?
Where does one find such a chunky sweater?
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