Dressing Better Vol 2.0

How much was the table, if you don't mind telling? 

Also nice outfit with the camo pants.

Thanks. Tables on the main floor were 4-5 gs. Side tables (shared U sectional couch) were 2 gs.

Appreciate the warm welcome fellas. @GAGJR, good eye on knowing the jacket is JCP. I wish I bought the navy one too.

How does one become a buyer?

If I had to do all over again, I would have went straight to FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) right after high school. It's a career where direct experience is key. I'm in my second buying internship and hope to land a full time buying position this summer. If it's something you're interested in, a school like FIT is priceless when it comes to industry connections and networking.

Who are you looking to be a buyer for?

We may need to talk. :wink:
Man I've been disappointed in everything at the mall today :lol: I'm pissed that J. Crew's clearance for men is just a small corner when the women's clearance is like a whole wall :smh:
If you go to a crowded, hot club/sauna like TAO, you're really gonna regret wearing a suit
First time I went clubbing I was shocked. It did not look like the vids where everyone moved in slow motion. Place was super packed and hot. :lol:
Can someone please help me locate a brown leather suitcase that looks like the one in this video around 52 seconds in? I need one for work badly and can't find one. More views of it around 1:11

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Thanks for the reply but that Jack Spade briefcase looks a lot shinier and "plasticy" looking leather compared to the one in the video. Does anyone have it or seen it in person? Any other recommendations?
Man I've been disappointed in everything at the mall today :lol: I'm pissed that J. Crew's clearance for men is just a small corner when the women's clearance is like a whole wall :smh:
The two J.Crew stores by me only carry women's clothing :smh:
Man I've been disappointed in everything at the mall today :lol: I'm pissed that J. Crew's clearance for men is just a small corner when the women's clearance is like a whole wall :smh:

It's like this at a lot of places unfortunately.

Luckily, men are beginning to have more and more options in stores and online
:wow:   how many people yall split that with
Ballers for real!

I just went to the JB forum to see which XIII's were dropping and thought "Oh man, I need to get these" when I saw it was the He Got Game XIII's. I clicked the link and it said it was apart of the X/XIII countdown package from 2009 and I realized I have that pack sitting in my closet at my parent's house in deadstock condition :lol: . What do you plan to wear with such a bulky shoe, Wis?
Just jean or chinos and t shirt. I wanted these really bad in the 7th grade but never got a pair so they mean a lot to me. I didn't get the last one because it wasn't a la carte. Will post outfit pics of course!

Havent had these since the OGs so i'm super pumped. Same for the last 2 in my sig which i havent had in 20 years and still have the kids versions in storage. Then its on to more DB shoes.. ive been "DB" since 07 picking up tons of pieces here and there but never really spend the dough on a quality pair of dress shoes.. i will start that soon.
The brotherhood is strong in this thread and I hope it continues to grow in term of generosity. Several gents offered to help me on my quest for the Jordan 13s this weekend. Truly appreciate it, dudes :pimp:

Let it be know that we don't exclude anyone. Anyone can join and chat with the members :smile:

This is the great thing about this thread, I think it's great and says a lot that people here can refer to each other by name and not just SN. Which reminds me Wis, I'll be back to LA from Mar 25-Apr 2.

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