Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Just scooped loubs for my girl along with another TaT suit before Jason raised prices (in effect as of today). Likely doing a meermin MTO in a week or so and might be grabbing another suit before month end.

January is murdering my bank account :lol:
Finna pass on those Jodphurs :\
:lol: I need to find a job ASAP. It's only been a couple of weeks since my internship ended and I'm sick of being at home. I have a place to stay that's being renovated right now which will be mine as soon as i get a job
I need to find a job ASAP. It's only been a couple of weeks since my internship ended and I'm sick of being at home. I have a place to stay that's being renovated right now which will be mine as soon as i get a job
Get that job son
Working on it son. DOD work is for the birds though, last couple of interviews I had are dependent on contracts won or not
Working on it son. DOD work is for the birds though, last couple of interviews I had are dependent on contracts won or not
:lol: same. A couple of the potential jobs I may take are dependent on the award of project contracts. Stay hungry, Wes :pimp:
It's not really out of the norm. A professional job out of college will do. A year ago, A was just a college kid who didn't buy the stuff he does now.

I don't think too many first year staff accountants are buying Louboutins :lol:
Man I remember those days of no rent and no car note. But my mom couldn't help beyond the rent part. I had to work to get a car and everything else. Currently married and that hit my pockets the worse. :smh:
To this day, I regret not planning for retirement straight out of college. Did the same and spent money frivolously with my first job, not to the extent of loubs and suits though but enough to push me back from my goal of early retirement.
I am a first year.

I just bought em. What the problem is ?

( :lol: but yeah, the living at home thing helps facilitate)

After this month I'll be cooling for awhile. 1st quarter bonus will solidify my first car purchase though. Likely subie
I'm at home now. Financed a car to continually build my credit and my '98 was giving me trouble every few months. I already have a Roth IRA, 401K and savings. Credit Card debt is at $0. I will be on a 5 year plan with my studentl oan debt once I get out of business school in December. It definitely feels good to have a little extra cash flow living at home. I show my parents appreciation every month with $ and helping around the house :lol:
A fresh college grad makes what, $40 to 50k? I was paying $46k when I was scouting new college grads at my former employer. If you don't have any car notes or rent, that play money is quite large.

Loubs can be had on sale too. He never said he paid retail for them. What's the difference between him buying a pair of these as oppose to high school or college kids paying nearly the same for hyped up kicks?

It's his money. Some may want him to be extremely frugal and live on the bare minimum to save as much as possible, but I'm not his financial advisor.
A fresh college grad makes what, $40 to 50k? I was paying $46k when I was scouting new college grads at my former employer. If you don't have any car notes or rent, that play money is quite large.

Loubs can be had on sale too. He never said he paid retail for them. What's the difference between him buying a pair of these as oppose to high school or college kids paying nearly the same for hyped up kicks?

It's his money. Some may want him to be extremely frugal and live on the bare minimum to save as much as possible, but I'm not his financial advisor.

Even 40-50K seems a little high.

Edit: A always gets some sort of backlash :lol: Reminiscent of when he outdressed his office
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A fresh college grad makes what, $40 to 50k? I was paying $46k when I was scouting new college grads at my former employer. If you don't have any car notes or rent, that play money is quite large.

Loubs can be had on sale too. He never said he paid retail for them. What's the difference between him buying a pair of these as oppose to high school or college kids paying nearly the same for hyped up kicks?

It's his money. Some may want him to be extremely frugal and live on the bare minimum to save as much as possible, but I'm not his financial advisor.
True, but I'm making 42 now..

and after rent, gas, food, bills, it's barely enough.

could never afford some loub's. but hey not my money haha
It's his money. Some may want him to be extremely frugal and live on the bare minimum to save as much as possible, but I'm not his financial advisor.

I was just pointing out that buying Louboutins on a staff accountant salary is not that normal. To be honest, this thread would be a heck of a lot more interesting if people were more frivolous with their money and purchases :lol:
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