Dressing Better Vol 2.0

thejrob thejrob
Most popular models are: Park ave, fifth ave, clifton, slaton, saunders, sanderson, singleton, neumoks, strands, macallister, neumora (personally not a fan but popular).

Aside from the presido joints, there were no brooks on my list. Excluded this time around? :nerd:

Finally ordered snuff suede neumoks 8)

Good looks fam. Just the info I was loking for :pimp:
pologate update :pimp:

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I kinda want penny loafers. Anything from AE available from the seconds?

Woah Wis wants AE?! Brooks Presidio is also on the list. Not sure if they'll honor the 2 for 250 price and sell you 1 pair at 125. If you need a second person to tag on, let me know.
Woah Wis wants AE?! Brooks Presidio is also on the list. Not sure if they'll honor the 2 for 250 price and sell you 1 pair at 125. If you need a second person to tag on, let me know.
Where can I get this list? More info please. Never done this stuff before.
You should wanna be Nas.

Jay ain't eem that great, b.
Just because I got da polo, ya tryin' to get me to pay child support, b? No one's milk shake is dat good, I ain't fallin' for da trap.

I just want a pair of AE so I can fit in with DBNT. Why are you guys being so mean though :frown: I'm reporting all you cats.
I need some help with sizing on the AE singleton/sanderson. I'm an 8.5D in AE clifton and a 9.5D in Alden Tassel Loafer (Aberdeen last). If you aren't able to offer a suggestion from those two, are there similar AE shoes/lasts that you would recommend trying on before purchasing the AE singleton to ensure a proper fit?

Where can I get this list? More info please. Never done this stuff before.

email [email protected] with your shoe size and they'll send it within a day. I think you're a 9, someone said they have the list, Pm them to forward to you.
I need some help with sizing on the AE singleton/sanderson. I'm an 8.5D in AE clifton and a 9.5D in Alden Tassel Loafer (Aberdeen last). If you aren't able to offer a suggestion from those two, are there similar AE shoes/lasts that you would recommend trying on before purchasing the AE singleton to ensure a proper fit?


I have the clifton in 10.5D and I think the last is more narrow than the last for the singleton/sanderson in size 10.5D which I also have. If you fit the Clifton in a 8.5D you'll be fine in the same size for the singleton/sanderson.
I got that e-mail from RALF too, I was on my phone so as soon as I saw the Important Information About Your Order I figured it was cancelled since it was over $800...wouldn't have been upset since there was nothing I actually need but I can wait.  Ordered monkstraps and drivers among other things. 

I'd check on the AE sale but as cheap as they are I don't need two pairs so it's not as worth it.
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