Driving Test in Maryland

May 29, 2007
What should you expect on this test? My dude is takin' it in two weeks and I wanna know what he should practice. Is it true you don't take it on thestreet, but in a big parking lot??
Its Maryland, so I expect them to teach you how to:

switch 5 lanes at once
cut people off
tailgate people at 90 MPH
switch lanes every 30 seconds
pass people on the wrong side

Good luck!!!!
that really made me

No, but fa real?
Yup, its a big parking lot. Make sure you keep both hands on the wheel and grip it good. (Pause). Make sure your boy is a beast at parallel parking becausethats a big part of the test. They also take points if you forget to put your seatbelt on and stuff like that.
Make sure he pays attention to the stop sigh at the end. Like 3 people ahead of me failed because they didn't stop at that stop sign.
And signal all his turns. Its like a small course its really not difficultat all if you pay attention. It takes like 5 mins. depending on how long it takes you to parallel park.
Do they ask u things before you drive? In cali they asked me to:

-do both turn signals on the car
-do hand signals for right and left hand turns
-hazard lights
-brake lights

Thanks for the advice. He told me about not driving on the street, but I couldn't believe it

Can't believe ya'll don't test on the street....
It took me about three minutes when I took it back in '04....just exaggerate on your head-turning, they make a big deal out of that. Blinkers every turn,in and out of any possible opening, this includes the parallel parking. Make sure to stop before the white line where the stop sign is...
make sure to take the test at either Glen Burnie or the one in MoCo....I heard there's few problems at either.
Test is easy,only thing make sure your car meets standards all loge nuts on tires and other stuff like that otherwise you can't take it.

yeah make sure you look before you do everything, signal before every turn, oh and if he doesnt use his parking brake tell him o start because you have tostart the test with your parking break up and they take points off if you dont get it down in a timely manner
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