dropping out of college

USC is like the NYU of the west coast

OP if I were you I would transfer to a UC or CSU or some other local cheaper college and just finish undergrad with a lot less loans.
Originally Posted by cubanref

Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

135k in the hole for a piece of paper
It's not worth it. Take some time off until you figure out how to pay for school. If you're a freshman go to a community college first and see if you can get some scholarships. No need to get that much debt so early on 

good strategy. take some courses at the local community colleges. rack up them A's.  get a scholarship to transfer into a 4 year program and cool out.
on the flip side you are already there, i might just stay.  
Originally Posted by Humble Pedant

Anyone else? Thanks for the feedback. Just spoke to my counselor today and he told me if i stay for the rest of the semester. If i go this route, I can take a leave of absence for up to 2 years and still have a guaranteed spot at USC. I'll probably take a year off and just work and apply to scholarships. If this doesn't pan out, then I suppose I can just transfer to a cal state.
Do you mean $135k total for however many years you're gonna be at USC or $135k for this school year?  If it's $135k total for however many years you have left then you might as well stay.  If anything, you should finish this semester, take next semester off to work or whatever then apple for some financial aid and scholarships for next year.  USC is a pretty good school, so I'm sure you'll find some work after you graduate.
Okay I'm definitely staying for this semester. I'm going to work hard during the spring semester and summer BUT that will probably only cover the 23k I need to pay anyways for the first semester. I don't even know if I can apply for scholarships during my time off... I had a 4.0 coming into USC but I wasn't awarded any type of merit scholarship. Anyone know if I can still apply for scholarships if I'm taking a leave of absence for a semester?
Knowing what I know now, I'd definitely take the L and drop out. Debt is no joke man.

But, having no future may be even worse than debt. A college degree by no means affords you a future or even a better life, but it gives you more opportunities than not having one.

If you're going to stay, build up your network. That should be your priority.
Dude definitely try to get a on campus job. If you haven't hit up IronMan up there he seems to have some hookups on campus.
I can put your name out there with some people i know on and off campus.
Dude i am a sophomore at USC let me know if i can help with anything dude.
Are you living on campus?Where at? Scholarships you can apply for those year round i think even if they are small it's something.
Damn haha this USC network is already kicking in... Yeah I'm a sophomore too. I'm living off campus, west 37th place, and I'm going to start applying for a lot of scholarships. I'll PM you and maybe we can meet up. BTW, thanks fam for the support.
45k a year? I suggest you run to a community college and finish off a bunch of ge classes for cheap then head back to USC or a cheaper college
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