Dropping out of college

May 2, 2010
NT, today is a sad, sad day for me.

I have come to the realization that I will be dropping out of school. I could never find the light at the end of the tunnel because I didn't know what my future held. The present day was the only thing that mattered to me. Everything would come easy (sports, girls, social) except school never seemed to click. Motivation was absent, depression happened often, and I seemed to be able to convince myself that I was ok.

I'm now 23 and have no idea what to do from here. Never have I felt more lost in my life. My parents even told me not to come back home because they are so ashamed, to make it worse they are both teachers. I feel like I let everyone around me down.

I have come to confide in NT because I am too embarrassed to speak on this with family or close friends. Any advice or positive words would be appreciated.
This is tough love right here bro:

Your choice to not continue with school is understandable. However, It's still on YOU to have a plan B or C.

Your parents are probably disappointed but they still love you.

Keep ya head up famb.
My only advice would be to try to find a passion, something you like to do and try to make a living off of it. Not having a college degree doesn't necessarily mean you are destined for failure. I'm 22 and I'm graduating college in 2 weeks and I feel hopelessly lost. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the rest of my life, and I worry about it all the time so I feel you're pain OP. No joke I feel exactly like Dustin Hoffman in the graduate. Also, definitely watch that movie if you haven't, everyone our age can relate to it. Good luck and keep your head up. 
I've been thinking about this constantly man.... College really isn't for everyone and it's not the end of the world you just have to zero in on what really makes you happy and what does motivate you and go hard at it.
About to be in your shoes fam... :smh:

If I get past this semester it would be a ******g miracle.
Worst thing about quitting is not having an exit strategy...

It's one thing to quit school due to lack of motivation, that's fine, it's not for everybody and you don't necessarily need it to succeed in life. However, not having a plan, or being lost, well, sounds like you should stay in school. Tough it out, find a source of motivation.

This just makes you sound lazy and spoiled, and it's probably the reason your parents are disappointed in you.

I'm sure once you told them, their follow up question was: "So what do you plan to do?", when your answer was: "I don't know". I'm sure they had this reaction:

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How much longer do you have to go?

Wouldn't make much sense if you're like... A semester away from finishing...
Education connection

But seriously fam listen to tha lyrics, ol girl droppin science

Worst thing about quitting is not having an exit strategy...

It's one thing to quit school due to lack of motivation, that's fine, it's not for everybody and you don't necessarily need it to succeed in life. However, not having a plan, or being lost, well, sounds like you should stay in school. Tough it out, find a source of motivation.

This just makes you sound lazy and spoiled, and it's probably the reason your parents are disappointed in you.

I'm sure once you told them, their follow up question was: "So what do you plan to do?", when your answer was: "I don't know". I'm sure they had this reaction:

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Real life.
Maybe you need a break, get out into the workforce work some jobs that might spark some interest in something. There's no "right or wrong" way to live life. Only thing I can tell you is try and limit your responsibilities (kids and debt), and don't get into (legal) trouble until you figure out something. You can always go back to school and maybe when you're more mature it'll click for ya. Good luck.
Reduce the number of classes you take, speak to your career center/advisors. Even if you have to drop down to one class...that is better than dropping out. Much harder to re-enroll and pick the pencil back up after time off.

You know you best though and what works for you.
All i'm going to say is do some serious soul searching and figure out what you really want out of life. You must have some passions/interests. If you're not majoring in something worthwhile, chances are you'll end up in a job that doesn't require a degree anyway. (which is something like 40%+ of grads) Having a degree just for the sake of saying you have a degree is stupid. However, if your parents have been paying for your schooling, I think you owe it to them to finish or at the very least have a way of paying them back for the money they've invested in your education. (If you're 23, I can't imagine you being that far from graduating assuming you started right after high school)
Worst thing about quitting is not having an exit strategy...

It's one thing to quit school due to lack of motivation, that's fine, it's not for everybody and you don't necessarily need it to succeed in life. However, not having a plan, or being lost, well, sounds like you should stay in school. Tough it out, find a source of motivation.

This just makes you sound lazy and spoiled, and it's probably the reason your parents are disappointed in you.

I'm sure once you told them, their follow up question was: "So what do you plan to do?", when your answer was: "I don't know". I'm sure they had this reaction:

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yea what he said bro school isnt for everybody but dont just quit with no plans and if you are close to finishing STAY IN.......
go out and get a job at a place like walmart it may make you have a better outlook on staying in school
He quit school and his first thought was to post on NT??? Seems like you got your head on right.....
Stay busy and keep moving forward. Everything always works out, you may one day look back and see this as the best choice you ever made.
View media item 679409I also recommend reading the book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It will show you how to continue to improve your life even if things seem hopeless. Best of luck homie.
I'm 19 and I did badly my Freshman year at St. John's because my mind just wasn't in it. I had to take this past semester off for financial reasons partially resulting from that so I'm finally about to start community college in January, and I know that this still isn't what I want to be doing with my time :smh:

I'm strong at math, so I know that the wisest move for me would probably be to go the Accounting route, and from there I found out about Risk Management. Sounds like a no-brainer, but I'm not passionate about it. I feel like I don't have ANYTHING I'm passionate about, and I've spent my life coasting by off the strength of being a natural Jack of All Trades. One of my best friends is still at university going through the motions and wants us to get an apartment this upcoming summer and pursue music, but all I can think about is how easy it is for that to not pan out. I can draw, I excel at math, I'm a strong reader/writer, and I feel like I would enjoy making music; none of that is moving me though.

I know I just completely came in your thread to complain about my own problems, but it felt good to type that out. My bad my __ :lol:
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Worst thing about quitting is not having an exit strategy...

It's one thing to quit school due to lack of motivation, that's fine, it's not for everybody and you don't necessarily need it to succeed in life. However, not having a plan, or being lost, well, sounds like you should stay in school. Tough it out, find a source of motivation.

This just makes you sound lazy and spoiled, and it's probably the reason your parents are disappointed in you.

I'm sure once you told them, their follow up question was: "So what do you plan to do?", when your answer was: "I don't know". I'm sure they had this reaction:

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Was literally about to post this word for word same gifs & everything :lol:
College isn't for everyone.
Hopefully, it's realized BEFORE going too far in to debt.

I plan on telling my kids that college will help them gain the qualifications needed to get into a higher paying gig quicker BUT not force them to go if their heart isn't into it.
I've had too many friends either start school and drop out left with no degree but 20+K in debt or finish school with a degree that they either don't like or that they can do nothing with.

Some of the most successful people in this world don't have college degrees. Some people just take the time to find themselves and determine a role college can play in their life that can help them get to where they want to be.

The "cant come home" part is pretty much expected tho. The family rule has been... Graduate from high school then a. Go to College and stay home when needed or b. get a job and move out.
Worst thing about quitting is not having an exit strategy...

It's one thing to quit school due to lack of motivation, that's fine, it's not for everybody and you don't necessarily need it to succeed in life. However, not having a plan, or being lost, well, sounds like you should stay in school. Tough it out, find a source of motivation.

This just makes you sound lazy and spoiled, and it's probably the reason your parents are disappointed in you.

I'm sure once you told them, their follow up question was: "So what do you plan to do?", when your answer was: "I don't know". I'm sure they had this reaction:

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Ultraaaaaaaaaaa commmmmmmmboooooo!!!!!!
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