Drug Dealers vs. Drug Addicts Vol. Who's Worse?

Originally Posted by SKYFLYDUl

I'd rather not have either a drug dealer or an addict living on my street. They're both reckless habits (selling & using) and the younger generations can get involved too easily. Each persona can be destructive to families and self-identity. I'm unable to stomach the idea when someone says things like "I'm only doing this for......." or "This is my source of income." A real hustle is being legit.

There are hustlers who are "legit" that are far worse than drug dealers
Having a dealer that only sells that GOOD not that bush, and has a select clientele in the neighborhood is %+#*#.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

that's like saying all the people scammed by people like Madoff, Nigerian scammers, and Ponzi schemers are heroes, while the people that "gave" them money deserved to lose it.

no its not
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Manglor

Think bout this way, would you rather have a drug dealer living in your neighborhood or a drug addict?
i wanna say an addict, because a drug dealer will attract addicts to the neighborhood anyway, so you'll end up having dealers and drug addicts at the same time.
if hes a smart dealer... he won't do business near home
I say both, the dealer will keep selling to people who becomes addicts and the addicts will always look for the dealer.
Dealer is worse to me because they're usually the catalyst to addict breakouts in certain places around here. They used to stay around the school gatestoo.
Dealers for me... They're like the devil & man is the user... As always, save the user & imprison the pusher.
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