Drunk, racist guy gets KO'd in Manhattan...now in serious condition.

Yellin racial epithets at me and my lady trying to have a good time? Sorry but that course of actions seems like the only one. Lawyer up.

I can just imagine her bringing that up in an argument later.

On top of it all, dude tried to help him before the KO....


Someone refresh my memory....the McDonald's employee who was attacked by those women (and beat them up), was he being hit or just threatened? If I remember, he didn't do any time in jail.
He goofed out and tasted that left and right Goof maker..

I'm pretty sure that fact that this lovely couple was just trying to enjoy their night, and this random guy comes and ridicules them in front of a whole restaurant of people will help his case out. The black couple has nothing but witnesses on their side.
I wouldn't be so sure about that...

and WATER what you talking bout? 

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Similar thing happened when we went to SPI last year.

What's SPI...and what's the story?

South Padre Island. We were waiting outside the club for my buddies girl and her friend. As we're waiting, some drunk white dude that's walking with his friends asks about a ride, but we just ignore him. Around the same time, the girls are walking by and her friend come in the car and says he called us the n-word (she's white). My buddy hops out, hits the guy in his mouth and leaves him out cold. We hopped back in the car and went back to the condo.
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i was hoping for a vid of it
dude will get some jail time though the guy is pretty defenseless being drunk to the level i'm guessing he was
itll depend on his BAC i think
South Padre Island. We were waiting outside the club for my buddies girl and her friend. As we're waiting, some drunk white dude that's walking with his friends asks about a ride, but we just ignore him. Around the same time, the girls are walking by and her friend come in the car and says he called us the n-word (she's white). My buddy hops out, hits the guy in his mouth and leaves him out cold. We hopped back in the car and went back to the condo.


anything ever happen to your buddy?
Damn, unfortunate situation for the black guy. :smh: Can't even have a nice dinner with your lady without some racist guy taking his frustrations out on you.
South Padre Island. We were waiting outside the club for my buddies girl and her friend. As we're waiting, some drunk white dude that's walking with his friends asks about a ride, but we just ignore him. Around the same time, the girls are walking by and her friend come in the car and says he called us the n-word (she's white). My buddy hops out, hits the guy in his mouth and leaves him out cold. We hopped back in the car and went back to the condo.


anything ever happen to your buddy?

Nope. We were there for a week and that happened around day 2 or 3.
On top of it all, dude tried to help him before the KO....


Someone refresh my memory....the McDonald's employee who was attacked by those women (and beat them up), was he being hit or just threatened? If I remember, he didn't do any time in jail.
She reached over and tried to hit him.
Goldman Sachs employee being racist?  makes sense.  they dont care about anyone besides themselves.  didnt the ceo quit last yr b/c the company is filled w/ crooks?
I'm not really a violent dude, so I would of just berated him and keep it moving. I torn this middle age white lady down with a verbal manslaughter once because she just started saying some random racist stuff to me while I was playing beer pong for a tourney. Her boyfriend even had his head down looking ashamed.

I just think back to Jackie Robinson being on the mound, taking all that abuse. But not everyones going to react accordingly. It just sucks that this black man will face repercussions and his name will become black listed in society for something that wasn't even his fault. Some random white guy comes and starts being racist to you for no reason, it hurts and is embarrassing, he reacts and hits the man, now his ***** ****** up.  Like we're ****** in this society...
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It's sad and I'm sure he didn't mean that much harm. Sadly if he dies or has any life changing damage, he'll see time.:smh:

People need to learn to stop testing people like they bullet proof. He's lucky dude ain't really wanna end his life.

"Fighting words"/"hate speech" aren't protected speech...

...racial epithets are fighting words and hate speech.

But yeah, if the guy dies he's looking at that voluntary manslaughter - jail time indeed...

...sucks for the brotha - can't even eat with ya girl in peace.
hate speech is protected under the first amendment.  threats or calls for violence aren't.  so the guy who got knocked out was a sucka and in my opinion deserved to get KO'd but lettuce be cereal, that wasn't the way to go about it and yes, his ignorance is protected by our laws.  i mean if anybody could knock out anybody who spewed ignorance, half NT would be gettin knocks on their door 
brothas can't even go out and enjoy life in 2013.  Get called a N-word by a stranger, catch a case, lose job, lose girlfriend.....

why? because he's black.  I think its funny how easy it is to say "don't hit anybody" or "words shouldn't hurt you"...but you are asking one set of people to live by different rules. The dude that got knocked out doesn't have to worry about getting provoked and called slurs everyday....but know he's a "victim". America sucks
i have no sympathy for someone that rude.

white guy thought he was tough with some beer muscles and got shown to the sidewalk.

i hope for the sake of the puncher that he doesn't die because that will definitely result in jail time.
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