DS Jordan 1 Pics

Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

Originally Posted by KidCloudKicker

BubbaEla1 wrote:

Originally Posted by KidCloudKicker

uuuuuh y dont you wear them? Isn't that what shoes were made for,..I'm not sure I'll ever understand people dont wear there shoes. Nice 1's, but you're the only one thats gonna know there nice until you wear them, lol.
some people dont need validation from others to know they have a nice shoe.
I didnt mean it like that but whatevers clever dude. Funny how some dudes on here always try to to flip your words just to get a post in and flaunt their own pics
. Its not that serious bro. Its not about validation at all, its about getting your moneys worth and putting them to minimal use at least.I just feel its a waste of money not wearing such nice shoes that probably cost/worth an arm and leg, but what do i know maybe this guys sitting on a whole bunch of pairs and just hasnt got to wear them yet. Nevertheless this guy has a sick 1's collection. I wish I had all of them. I'm working on a pair of silver 1's right now. Jordan 1's FTW
exactly how you wrote " I just feel......"...You feel one way, i feel i dont need to wear a shoe for validation from others. Sitting in a box is just fine with me. Wearing them is just fine with me. Getting your moneys worth is pretty subjective right? Again its all how someone "feels", all opinion and subjective. I was just reading what you wrote and responded just as you did to me. Flip your words just to get a post in to flaunt?.....come on man you're better than that. you're making it sound like i chase your posts and make a point to go opposite of what you say. I respect your opinion, but i also have mine. Simple as that right.

I agree bubba
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