Dude.. Another FB response? What to say? Pics of this wildebeest

you could unfriend her, bring down the hammer 
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

1. Take screen shot with spoon.

2. Message screenshot to BF.

3. Share screenshots and responses with NT.

4. ????

5. profit
Originally Posted by jhobson5

We are getting so lazy on the internet that people right "imy" instead of  the 8 letters needed for "i miss you". Wow people are getting lazy

almost as bad as people getting the word "write" confused with "right"...
I have a ex who calls me from time to time. Usually when she's drunk or had a fight with her boyfriend.
just ignore her...

i gotta give it to her tho...she's bold...said she misses you while kissin another dude and has you puzzled on what to do...

sex must have been good OP
Is that a message though? That just looks like a status update. Are we sure she's even referring to you OP?
Originally Posted by the coolness

Is that a message though? That just looks like a status update. Are we sure she's even referring to you OP?

Nah, she posted on his wall, you can tell because wall posts have that "see friendship"

But why would she make this public, SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN.

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

how long it take to upload pics breh. is she that fat? youre already on her facebook.

on Pg. 2 fam
Wait OP how is she a wildebeest if she used to be your girl? Not saying she's attractive or ugly, but did you think she was nasty when you two were dating? 
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