dudes texting my girl

Originally Posted by bdis1986


cat siad hurry its urgent


Like his future depends on it
Originally Posted by seaner23

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul


shame on us for waiting 3 pages before asking for pics. we're slipping tonight.

I have noticed this happening quite a lot. I think we going to need to have to bring that pic back up again. The one that tells you how to make a thread. Alsothe one that says no pic no help.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

The root of the problem is your girl. Beasts will always beast. That's like nature or what have you. It's ******ed that idiots don't have the sense that if a girl has a serious boyfriend you're pretty much an *+!%%#* trying to get at her cause I don't think anyone themselves in your position would like other dudes trying to get at their girl but nonetheless your girls reaction to that if she's your girl should be either disregard or dismissal of any attempts to "holla" or "get at her" or what have you. If that's not the case either put your girl in check or let the bird fly.

had sit in a oxygen tent after reading that #@@!
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by JordanDon23

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]She getting that text love somewhere else cause your bum self cant even afford
250 texts to text with her[/color]

that unlimited plan will get u some good conversations

straight up you betta upgrade that plan again boy you losing her 2 the unlimited plan
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

You lose
Sure do. There's this program that you could put on her phone to track her texts. But you have to get her phone from her for like 10 minutesand download the program from a computer. Idk sumtin' like that. Heard it on the radio. Idk the name of it but it's supposed to be for parents tomonitor what their children are textin'. But I guess you could use it in this case too. Google it if you really wanna catch your girl havin' text sexwit some other dude. But either way, she's prolly gettin' "
ed". Idk why you're even on here askin' us. You should just break itoff.
Yeah man it could be harmless, but it could be something else.

You're young and can easily move on so I suggest you do so if you suspect foul play.
i love takin girls away from there mans, your one of them dudes we make fun of on saturday nights,

"man you shoulda seen homie face when i dropped his girl off at his house" lmfao
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