Duke Freshman Student Leads Double Life As Porn Star

Doing rough trade porn and claiming you're a feminist? Max Hardcore is the goddamn Gloria Steinem of the game, if that's the case.
Yea men have a tendency to tell women what they like or don't, hence the existence of feminist. You are the reason why they exist. Men ARE the more insecure sex in many ways.

There is no "more insecure sex." :lol: if you're insecure, you're insecure. Just like a lot men and groups of men try to run women due to insecurity, a lot of women and groups of women try to use sex as a weapon.....due to insecurity. And those are just two examples. Furthermore, people who seek a great deal of power tend to be insecure (generally speaking). It just so happens that men are the ones in power in most societies. If the tables were turned women would be telling men what's sexy and calling promiscuous dudes sluts. It's merely circumstantial.
What regular person has the mettle to do a porn scene, much less the desire, as a one time thing as opposed to making a career out of it? I dont see it. Gotta assume these people are people who are trying to get into porn anyways.

A million dollars plus residuals I assume, thats a sweet deal though. But what about the losers? Their tapes are going out there for nothing.

That video :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I cant even hate though

inb4 Performance Anxiety
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^^ no no, the winner gets a mil.

So the whole school thing was just a selling point right? :lol:

Y'all in here talking about women's right and what not :smh:
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I hate how feminism is just used as a cloak for women like her to do whatever degrading things she wants to do with her body. There's a difference between having basic rights and being treated with dignity/respect and just being a bird. I'm all for gender equality but come on.... I'd look down on a man who did the same too so it isn't even a matter of me being sexist.

She's free to do whatever she wants with her body, whether it's in a private or public setting, but defending herself under the guise of feminism when attacked by others about her actions is just dumb. It downplays and trivializes the plights of women in other countries who do not have basic rights and paints a bad picture of the entire feminist movement. I think half of the time men who say women can do whatever they want with their bodies in regards to porn or other such industries and not face any backlash are just saying that for their own benefit or enjoyment.
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let's get a NTer to win this competition
i will take one for the team
i will take one for the team

Quoted so we will remember you in NT history forever.

Just to update these fools who where so quick to cape......


She signed on for reality tv show where the winner gets 1M plus a scene with Miss "I Did It For Tuition"


Bout to lock my daughter in the closet

Oh snap I just read it. Tori Black is going to be one of the judges. I have new show to watch now. Not srs
Why is Rolling Stone or any other media outlet continuing to give her any press?

She's ******* ugly.
Everyone likes porn; it's weird. If this show was on a regular tv station, I know it would be the highest rated show on American television.
Yeah but most people would deny watching it and say it's gross because they feel that's what they're supposed to say.
I am actually surprised it took this long for someone to make a contest show about the adult industry (that is if this is the first one).

And that Playboy channel reality show where 2 girls and 2 guys stay in a house for like a night is a pretty good show actually. It's like Real World but the guys and the girls actually have a chance to score and show it on cable TV.
Man if i was a woman id do porn and make a couple mill then move to a small island and enjoy life

Too easy
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