Dumbing Down Society (Print And Read During Your Commute To Work)

My son with the homework assignments.

Looks like some good stuff though.
bookmared...a little too late to read all of it and I know once I start I wont stop.
bookmared...a little too late to read all of it and I know once I start I wont stop.
This is interesting. This is from Part 2. Talking about Vaccines. Even though mercury is known to degenerate brain neurons and disrupt the central nervous system, it is still found in processed foods and mandatory vaccines.

“Exposure to high levels of metallic, inorganic, or organic mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and developing fetus. Effects on brain functioning may result in irritability, shyness, tremors, changes in vision or hearing, and memory problems.
This is interesting. This is from Part 2. Talking about Vaccines. Even though mercury is known to degenerate brain neurons and disrupt the central nervous system, it is still found in processed foods and mandatory vaccines.

“Exposure to high levels of metallic, inorganic, or organic mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and developing fetus. Effects on brain functioning may result in irritability, shyness, tremors, changes in vision or hearing, and memory problems.
Thanks for the appreciation. I am just trying to get the good word out.

When I get my own I definitely will produce my own food man. Just thinking about it we are so reliant on the commercial world for our food. Grow your own fruits/veggies, chickens, etc.

I am not making this thread to scream conspiracy but I think this stuff shouldn't be ignored. Glad to see that a few of you appreciate.

Let's not argue here people.
Thanks for the appreciation. I am just trying to get the good word out.

When I get my own I definitely will produce my own food man. Just thinking about it we are so reliant on the commercial world for our food. Grow your own fruits/veggies, chickens, etc.

I am not making this thread to scream conspiracy but I think this stuff shouldn't be ignored. Glad to see that a few of you appreciate.

Let's not argue here people.
Loving this thread already. For once a solid thread. DC way to bring in something straight up real. I have a little one and we go as natural as possible.
Loving this thread already. For once a solid thread. DC way to bring in something straight up real. I have a little one and we go as natural as possible.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

When I get my own I definitely will produce my own food man. Just thinking about it we are so reliant on the commercial world for our food. Grow your own fruits/veggies, chickens, etc.

You not about that farm life.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

When I get my own I definitely will produce my own food man. Just thinking about it we are so reliant on the commercial world for our food. Grow your own fruits/veggies, chickens, etc.

You not about that farm life.
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