Dwyane Wade gives his jersey to disabled Weston, Florida boy in stands

Jul 25, 2007
I was at the game last night and damn near cried, looking at this kid having the time of his life with no limbs.
It was a chilling experience but inspiring at the same time. God Bless him tothe upmost.


Laura Stolzenberg, left, looks on as her son, Michael, 8, of Weston shares a laugh with his dad Keith. Michael had both hands and feetamputated this summer after a bacterial infection. (.....read more here)

Michael was bitten by a bug on July 22, 2008, and went into shock two hours later. The next day, doctors warned his family that hewould likely die. He wound up spending more than seven weeks in the intensive-care unit of a South Florida hospital. He was the quarterback on his youthfootball team, a lacrosse player, an avid bicycle rider and video-game player.

All that changed, suddenly and without warning.

Eventually, the Heat learned of the boy's situation, and reached out. Michael was shown on the jumbo video screens Monday night during the game, got astanding ovation, then got the biggest thrill of all - the jersey.

"Hopefully we can get that signed and get it on the wall," Wade said.

Wade has often met with sick children during his time with the Heat, usually in private, often not wanting any part of the spotlight.

He didn't want any on Monday, either, even after making a gift so publicly.

"I knew where he was sitting, so when I caught his eye and saw him smile right back, it's great," Wade said. "It didn't matter at thattime, the connection that we had, it didn't matter who was looking. It was just us."

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"I knew where he was sitting, so when I caught his eye and saw him smile right back, it's great," Wade said. "It didn't matter at that time, the connection that we had, it didn't matter who was looking. It was just us."

i have trouble watching this kind of stuff because it makes me so upset to see kids like that. its great to see wade or anyone reach out to kids in situationslike this because you know that they are so happy to meet their hero. great stuff
Originally Posted by jcuk3tm0

i have trouble watching this kind of stuff because it makes me so upset to see kids like that.
likewise, just saw the story on SC. all these stories usually get me
when watching but its always nice to see athletes doing things outside of the sport
Originally Posted by jcuk3tm0

i have trouble watching this kind of stuff because it makes me so upset to see kids like that.
likewise, just saw the story on SC. all these stories usually get me
when watching but its always nice to see athletes doing things outside of the sport
wade seems like a good guy, but then again after reading articles about his sex parties and abandoning his children... im not so sure.
even tho there's another side of wade, he seems to do real well with this kind of stuff and i gotta give him his props for it
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