Eagles player LeSean McCoy tips 20 cents (less than 1/3 of a percent) at PYT Burger

Eh....20 cents is intentionally being a ****. Should have just tipped or not.

If it was 0 it woulda been a non story and I think tommy up would have just chalked it up minus the headlines.

I think they would've still posted the receipt because it's a multimillionaire football player not leaving them a tip. I'm actually surprised the bill was only like $60
Didn't tip the bartender when I was at the club this weekend. Had to practically yell at this fool for 4mins just to get a beer while he's standing right in front of me.

*Ye shrug*
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**** outa here DC clown. Who the hell would brag about tipping 20%. That's some weak **** that ONLY you would think is plausible.

Only reason I even mentioned it is because these threads always turn out the same. You say anything at all about tipping and it's your poor, no etiquette, blah blah.

DC once again with some dumb logic

Like people go around talking about how they tip; it's brought up in a thread about tipping

Yall are trippin if you don't think people don't enjoy BRAGGING about how much they tip and use that as a way to think they are better than the next man. That is the entire basis of these damn tipping threads. FOlks bragging and telling others how they are horrible humans. Yall give people too much credit.
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