Eagles player LeSean McCoy tips 20 cents (less than 1/3 of a percent) at PYT Burger

A day after posting a 20-cent tip allegedly left by star Eagles running back LeSean McCoy, the owner of a popular Northern Liberties burger joint responded to the backlash.

On Monday Tommy Up, owner of PYT, posted a photo of a receipt  which he claimed was billed to McCoy. The photo shows a $.20 tip on a $61.56 bill.
NBC10 spoke to Up as well as the waiter who claimed he received the tip, Rob Knelly.

“I just thought it was pretty callous and insensitive,” Up said. “Twenty cents isn’t an industry standard.”

Knelly told NBC10 McCoy and his friends were rude and indecisive about what they wanted as he tried to serve them. He also admitted however that he missed their appetizer.

“That was my fault,” Knelly said. “We were pretty busy at that point.”

Knelly also admitted that he didn't return to check on McCoy and his friends after serving their food because they were "rude." 

After Up posted a photo of the receipt and called out McCoy, several people claimed the move was unprofessional while others questioned how good the service actually was. Some even claimed the picture was a hoax meant to generate publicity for PYT, which Up denied.
As for McCoy, while he did not directly respond to the photo, Les Bowen, a sports reporter for the Philadelphia Daily News tweeted that he spoke to him about the tip.

Since posting the photo, Up says both he and Knelly have received hate mail and considerable criticism. Up addressed the fallout on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

"For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt," Up wrote. "It was not our server's decision. It was mine. I am to blame."

Up still stood by his initial decision to post the photo however.

"While I'd like to apologize to Mr. McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so," Up wrote. "I stand by my actions one hundred percent."

Up went into further detail, claiming McCoy and his friends were given "excellent" and "impeccable" service. He also accused McCoy of being "verbally abusive" to his staff and making "derogatory statements." 

"At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do," Up wrote. "And I don't want anything from Mr. McCoy, but..maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool."
How much do cooks get paid?

Those cats ve back there working like they trappin...

Wish there was a way to directly tip the cook.
Just tell your waiter to give this tip to the cook. 

I've seen bussers and hostess get tips. 

But the pay for the cooks depends on the place. Some pay introductory IT salary prices, some pay decent, and some pay a little over min. wage.  Just depends on the place, and experience
Some of you use the, "I always tip 20%" card as some sort of badge of honor you can brag about. Almost as bad as those' grinding" dudes on Tweet. Nobody gives a damn if you tip 20% every time man. Doesn't make your path to heaven any smoother.

**** outa here DC clown. Who the hell would brag about tipping 20%. That's some weak **** that ONLY you would think is plausible.

Only reason I even mentioned it is because these threads always turn out the same. You say anything at all about tipping and it's your poor, no etiquette, blah blah.
DC once again with some dumb logic

Like people go around talking about how they tip; it's brought up in a thread about tipping
Server here...

Wouldn't eem care. Happens all the time. Some get pissed about it, but I'm like, for what? I ain't bout to go two piece him cuz he didn't want to tip.

Entitlement society...I used avg $50 a shift, I know girls that AVG $100+ A SHIFT! That's two a day some days. When they complain about one guy who didn't tip, I be like *****, get some perspective. Like, we ain't working in the salt mines.
Ive worked valet before and the reasons people come up with not to tip is pretty hilarious, i don't really care honestly. The lengths people go to to avoid valet all together is even more ridiculous

Server here...

Wouldn't eem care. Happens all the time. Some get pissed about it, but I'm like, for what? I ain't bout to go two piece him cuz he didn't want to tip.

Entitlement society...I used avg $50 a shift, I know girls that AVG $100+ A SHIFT! That's two a day some days. When they complain about one guy who didn't tip, I be like *****, get some perspective. Like, we ain't working in the salt mines.
Yeah if you're in a busy restaurant or something and 4 people an hour tip $5 you're already making more than most non tip jobs + you still have a base salary. Then you expect the postman who works in inclement weather to come hand you the difference in your wages.  Just make sure the service is worth it. That's all we ask
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Doubt it. You probably pulled a lakersman3k.

Nah...I'm not a scumbag. And I'm not about to steal 10 dollars. That's weak as hell. That lady trusted me to give the money to the cook. So I gave it to him. Think what you want though, if it makes you feel better about yourself.
Ive worked valet before and the reasons people come up with not to tip is pretty hilarious, i don't really care honestly. The lengths people go to to avoid valet all together is even more ridiculous

To be fair though, valet is notorious for theft. I've had all my change ganked on over 5 different occasions. My entire CD collection back in the day. A bottle of cologne.

But I live in L.A. so I've had to valet my car a ton more than the average person, so I've had more exposure. Now I just know to check the entire car over BEFORE I tip them and before I leave.
i was jk brodie lol, it was more a dig at Mr. StealYoTips
Yeah, still can't believe the level of shade you must live on a daily basis to think that is remotely acceptable behavior. Stealing from the waiter and your own famb...wow.
Ive worked valet before and the reasons people come up with not to tip is pretty hilarious, i don't really care honestly. The lengths people go to to avoid valet all together is even more ridiculous
To be fair though, valet is notorious for theft. I've had all my change ganked on over 5 different occasions. My entire CD collection back in the day. A bottle of cologne.

But I live in L.A. so I've had to valet my car a ton more than the average person, so I've had more exposure. Now I just know to check the entire car over BEFORE I tip them and before I leave.

There's only a handful of companies that have contracts to do valet in Honolulu, I've personally never had any problems.

L.A. will have valet in the weirdest lots, sometimes you wonder if dude's are even supposed to be there. Looking like they just showed up with a keyboard and started parking people's ****
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Ive worked valet before and the reasons people come up with not to tip is pretty hilarious, i don't really care honestly. The lengths people go to to avoid valet all together is even more ridiculous

same, and on top of that, i made a decent hourly wage to be just a valet, i just hardly got any hours

i definitely didnt expect a tip at all tho, valet was alread expensive, what surprised me was that it always wasnt dudes in phantoms and the newest benzes who tipped the best (they usually wouldnt tip at all) it would always be old ladys in buicks and soccer moms or dads in SUVs

i make sure i tip the valet whenever i get it now tho
Ive worked valet before and the reasons people come up with not to tip is pretty hilarious, i don't really care honestly. The lengths people go to to avoid valet all together is even more ridiculous
same, and on top of that, i made a decent hourly wage to be just a valet, i just hardly got any hours

i definitely didnt expect a tip at all tho, valet was alread expensive, what surprised me was that it always wasnt dudes in phantoms and the newest benzes who tipped the best (they usually wouldnt tip at all) it would always be old ladys in buicks and soccer moms or dads in SUVs

i make sure i tip the valet whenever i get it now tho

word. I actually do P/T work as a valet attendant on weekends too and I can't believe how many times I hear "I got you next time" :lol: I ain't mad though as I don't really need the job and still make my hourly, but it makes me feel bad for the guys who really need the extra few singles, as they add up.
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