East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Wow...the Bronx river parkway looking like mini hudson river... 10 piece check in ^^^bro...*%@% is cray...
my friend who works for MTA just finished a 24 hour shift. he said he thinks they're trying to have subways up and running by tonight. not sure if it'll be definite, just giving yall NY nters a heads up on what i've heard.
damn. i really, really hope the MTA doesn't get their +$%* together for tomorrow

it's gonna be a hassle trying to get into work
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by jehims

from real gm

"Aftermath picture"


Friend in Richmond, VA area has had his power out for a day now at least.. Restaraunts running out of food.. 30 minute waits.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Proshares

Mez, if you're asking about that ABC report they said it was on Erickson St between 25th and 27th avenue.

Erickson street? I not even sure where that is and I live in elmhurst lol

Mez, its East Elmhurst, closer to the Ditmars Blvd/GCP side.
Originally Posted by chickhien

my friend who works for MTA just finished a 24 hour shift. he said he thinks they're trying to have subways up and running by tonight. not sure if it'll be definite, just giving yall NY nters a heads up on what i've heard.
best damn news of the day!
i planned things out in the city tomorrow for my girl and i. I was really worrying about the trains being down tomorrow.
Originally Posted by culturecarnage

Irene downgraded to a tropical storm. Typical: you think you're hot %$%!, then you come to NYC and you're not as big a deal as you thought.

LIRR es no bueno.
Can't believe this has been "breaking news" on national television on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC ALL DAY for the past 3 days.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by youngcurse

i think that i'm overly prepared if the hurricane was to change its course and head closer into Maryland. I also think that the media is instilling fear in us all , just so we'll run out and buy everything in sight , in return its helping the economy.

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